Meeting The Stunt Double

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Sally picked up her phone with haste as it buzzed repeatedly.
"Hello?" she questioned with evident excitement in her voice.

"Hello. My name is Karen Miller and I'm head executive of Laren Studios. We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted as our main actor in the movie you auditioned for, Temple Queen " the woman across the phone spoke kindly and professionally,"We need you over here as soon as possible so we can start on the recording."

Sally was buzzing with joy as she stumbled on her words saying, "I'll be there today, in about an hour or two. "

"We will arrange a limo to pick you up in a bit. Thank you bye" the woman hung up the phone leaving Sally alone in her thoughts.
Sally was average in height had light brown skin,deep dark eyes and straight long hair which stretched down her back. She stood still and contemplated what had just happened: suddenly she jumped up and down with a ginormous grin on her face, her dreams were coming true... She was going to be a Hollywood Star. Sally got changed out of her pink silk pyjamas and slipped into a knee length skirt and a white buttoned shirt. She put her hair into a ponytail and slipped on some sleek high heels. She looked around her small apartment which was littered in hand me downs and discounted furniture. The apartment only had 1 bedroom;a bathroom; a measly kitchen and a cosy living room complete with a small TV straddled to the wall. She locked the door and headed out into the busy streets of Hollywood. It was the perfect temperature outside and many people were walking instead of driving so traffic was down to a minimum.
A black limousine was awaiting her across the street and the driver of it was holding the door open for her as she got in. The driver was a tall handsome man with a chiselled jaw line and big bulging muscles. Sally couldn't help but check him out as she sat into the car, he smiled at her, his blue eyes glinting in the sun and then he shut the door, got into the drivers side of the car and started towards the Studio. They passed through the high-street bustling with shoppers; business men in suits; and children running around chaotically. Shops lined the streets filled to the brim with people looking to buy their goods. Sally looked upon a familiar shop. It belonged to her best friend Courtney, who had curly brown hair and hazel eyes. They had been friends since preschool and they barely ever argued. They were so close to each other they felt like sisters and would tell each other everything. Sally smiled as she thought about her close friend. It felt like the trip had only taken a few seconds to Sally as the car pulled up to the sizeable studio. In a hurry she shot open the door - after picking up her handbag-and hit Eric (the driver) with it accidentally. He yelled in pain. Sally looked at him with guilt and tried to apologise however he played it off cool and convinced her that he was OK, but she said that she would only leave him alone if he went for a drink with her later that day as her way of saying sorry. He agreed and said that he'd pick her up at 7. They said their farewells exchanging names and numbers. Sally looked upon the limo driving away slowly around a corner, she was flustered and bright red and then she pumped her fist in victory. Sally then turned towards the white building with a sign engraved Laren Studios and strutted in through the front entrance, beaming. A young blonde woman was sitting at the receptionist desk. She looked like the kind of beautiful women to be in romance films or even be world class models. As she saw Sally approach with her stunning green-blue eyes she smiled with her pure white teeth. The reception was small and cosy. A few dozen people were sitting around in the waiting lounge upon soft green couches. The room had a sleek modern design and from the ceiling hung an intricate chandelier. Sally came up to the desk and asked which way she needed to go.
"Name?" the receptionist replied jovially
"Sally Martins" Sally responded
"I like that name. Is that your maiden name?" the receptionist inquisited, glaring at Sally.
"Yes I'm unmarried" Sally replied holding up her ring finger and laughing it off.
"Same here the receptionist replied before typing on her Laptop," the room to your left. "
Sally said her thanks and made her way to the room. She opened the door...As she entered the spacious studio filled with recording equipment, a woman gleefully waltzed up to her. "ah.. You must be Sally" she spoke softly but directly. She had a pair of hot-pink glasses, cropped brown hair, a striped top and a pair of skin-tight jeans. She also had a megaphone in one hand and a large pile of paper in the other. "here's your script! " she half yelled half spoke trying to give Sally the pile of paper "although I hope you learned the one that you were given at the audition?"
Sally smiled. "Yes I ha..."
"Good your over there, set 3 and then you go to 2,9 and then 7" she interrupted. She had turned from the soft well-spoken woman to a direct harsh one. "Hurry up!" she held the megaphone to her face as she said that.
Sally practically ran towards where she needed to be. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as she arrived at set 3..
"From the Top" yelled the director through her megaphone. Sally struggled to keep up however eventually she was in place and rehearsing her lines. She was among 2 handsome men and a beautiful woman;their names were Jill, Kieren and Louis and all of them were from the modelling industry so they all honestly looked amazing but Sally still thought Eric looked better! Half-way through line rehearsal on set 3, everyone had to go get changed into their costumes. As she wandered the meandering corridors to her dressing room, Sally bumped into the director.

"Are you alright? We didn't get to introduce our self's properly", she said with a smile, "my names Matilda" she extended her hand towards Sally.
Sally took it in her own "my names Sally" she confidently replied.

Matilda started walking off before turning around."Oh... I have one more thing to say" Matilda announced, "since this movie is full of dangerous stunts i must introduce you to somebody". She led Sally to the wooden door of a changing room. It was placed halfway across the hallway from the sets. The door also had a stereotypical dressing room star on it. Sally placed her hand on the cold metal of the door knob and twisted it.

Sally was met with a cold steely stare. She felt uneasy at the almost identical woman standing in front of her. She was already in costume it was the exact one Sally was about to put on. It was a pink silky ballgown.Her hair was in a ponytail like Sally's and she had the same deep dark eyes as her.

"What do you want?" the woman harshly mumbled. She looked up at Sally with a sinister grin. " Oh Hello.. You must be Sally"

"Hello. You must be my stunt double then"

"Yes I am. I'm Jamie"the other woman retorted.She sneered at Sally.

"So where are you from?"

Jamie sighed, "Does it matter?"

"No." Sally replied uneasily, "So how did they find someone that looks so identical to me?"

"How did they find such an ugly, sad woman to perform main role?" she snickered.

Sally was enraged at this comment.She looked at Matilda who was unaware of the conversation, she smiled at Sally.

"Listen. Get away from me. I'm here on my business, your here on yours." Jamie whispered into Sally's ear. Her chilly breath evoked goosebumps on her arms.

Sally desperately walked away,breaking into tears as she finally made it to her dressing room. As a child Sally was humiliated by others as she was the typical nerdy A* student.They would verbally abuse her as well as physically, therefore she was extremely sensitive to negative comments as she was still quite scarred by the torment of her previous years. She looked into the mirror of a vanity table she was sitting next to. The room around her had banal beige walls;a wooden vanity table (which Sally was next to) and a clothing rack filled with costumes. As she stared upon her intricate complexion, Sally dried her tears. She fixed up her dripping mascara and reapplied her makeup after she slipped on the pink ballgown which flowed gracefully down her figure. As she left her small dressing room, she caught the eye of Jamie scouring her;her deep eyes piercing through her own. Sally turned away quickly and half-sprinted down towards set 2.

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