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A/N! Thank you so much for reading my story! I swear it means the world to me... you made me so happy that I can not express it in words. Thank you!
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Also, I plan to print a copy of the book for my personal collection and I want to ask you to leave a comment or send me a message with your thoughts on the story so I can print it for the book's cover.
Thank you! I don't know how to express how grateful I am to you!
PS. I will not bore you with more ANs. I promise. Follow me if you want to see me ramble 🤣
Kisses, Alma.

There are some moments in life when it seems like you're escaping your own body, like your soul and body separate from each other leaving you more like a living ghost than a human. You can hear people around you talking, you can hear them screaming your name, telling you everything is going to be ok, that you're strong, that you can get over this. You can feel their hands squeezing yours, wrapping around you, their warm body pressed against yours in an embrace. You can smell their perfumes, vanilla and pine forest mixed, those perfumes that used to relax you in seconds because they made you feel safe. 

But nothing seems to matter anymore, safety is not important anymore, the voices are distant and strange and the warmth is not enough to make your frozen body feel something. Your body is not your own anymore and your soul is lost among lies, betrayal, rage, and suffering. Souls can be destroyed, souls can be shattered into a million pieces just like those stupid coffee cups scattered on the floor. A life full of lies, a family that never existed in reality, a father that had a second family, and a sister that you never knew was your sister can do all that to your soul. 

My family is destroyed. My family was never actually real. Dad is a monster and there's no way in hell I will ever forgive or forget what he did to us. 

"Tiffany is your sister," mom said moments ago, I don't know how much time has passed since then but I know that my life as I knew it is over. She always hated me and Criss and we never actually knew why, she made my life a living hell without any reason, I thought. Now everything seems clear. Now I understand why.

Tiffany was our friend in the first week of kindergarten, we played together all four of us, me, Criss, Mary, and she. We were inseparable, even dressed in matching outfits, called ourselves best friends because that's what kids do, they become best friends in seconds. But everything changed when we had our first parents event one week after meeting each other. 

Now I remember perfectly Tiffany crying in her mom's arms looking where I and my family were staying. "Daddy! Daddy... Please, daddy!" she screamed and screamed until her mom lifts her in her arms and took her home. We all thought she was upset for seeing all of her classmates with their moms and dads while she had only her mom by her side.

Stupid! Idiot! A fool! That's what I've been all my life. She was never crying because she was just with her mom, no... She was crying her heart out because her bastard dad was 2 meters away from her entertaining other kids, another woman while ignoring her. She cried because her father abandoned her, made her feel like the less important person... She was 6 when she finds out her family was a lie too and that's why she always hated me and Criss. Tiffany always felt like we stole her dad. 

And dad... What kind of monster can stay 2 meters away from his crying daughter who calls for him without even flinching? What kind of monster would watch his daughter's pain without hugging her or try to make everything better? Dad... the man that I thought was the best person on Earth, that loved me, Criss, and mom with all his heart spent his entire life dividing his time between us and his other family. 

I always thought I hated Tiffany for how she treated me, but now I know that it was not hate because is nothing compared with what I feel for my dad right now. I hate even the blood that runs through my veins because it's his too. 

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