My last class is with Mr. Milles, the principal, who also happens to be my computer science teacher. That makes me smile because I have just one more hour before I can finally go home, change my clothes, and try to forget this shitty day. I don’t know how, but my t-shirt smells like Liam, which definitely doesn’t help considering I just want to stop thinking about him—or, even better, forget he exists.I enter the classroom and take my usual seat at the second computer, turning it on as I smile at Alicia, the girl who has sat next to me since my first year. She smiles back and asks how my summer was.
Alicia is one of the few people at this college who actually talk to me, and I really like her. I don’t know much about her, though—just that she’s amazing with computers and always helps me when I get stuck. She’s also one of those girls that most of our stupid classmates ignore, just because of how she looks.
Not that there’s anything wrong with how she looks. Quite the opposite, actually. Alicia is tall, with long dark hair, beautiful olive skin, and curves I would kill for—not to mention her big black eyes and lips that look like Angelina Jolie’s. But teenagers are stupid and mean, and she either gets ignored or body-shamed. What surprises me the most is that she never seems to care. She comes to class in amazing outfits that emphasize her body, walking with her head high and a confident smile, unfazed by the whispers and comments. I wish I had her confidence.
"It was good," I say, answering her question. "I pretty much spent my summer reading and watching TV shows—mostly alone or with Mary. You know her, right?"
I don’t remember ever introducing them.
"Yeah, she’s the girl you always have lunch with. I see you two every day in the cafeteria—I sit pretty close to you, actually."
She’s so nice. Why have I never noticed her during lunch? Why have I never introduced her to Mary? Alicia has always been kind to me, even after Criss died. She even emailed me once, saying I could call her if I needed anything. I never did. I never even saved her number.
"Come sit with us tomorrow at lunch," I say, smiling. Her face lights up with enthusiasm.
"Really? Thanks, Nat!"
And because my day couldn’t possibly end on a good note, Liam’s voice pulls me back from my little pink cloud.
"Move," he says, slamming his backpack onto Alicia’s desk.
She looks at him, eyebrows raised, clearly shocked by his rudeness. But instead of getting up, she points to the empty seat next to her.
"You move your shit, asshole. This is my seat. Bye!" She waves him off dismissively.
"Not anymore," he says smugly. "I’m sitting next to Nataly. You can take the seat next to me if you just can’t stay away from this." He gestures to himself.
This guy is way too arrogant. I think he loves himself more than what’s considered normal.
"Do you know this idiot, Nataly?" Alicia asks me.
"Unfortunately," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "He’s Mary’s boyfriend’s brother, Liam."
I start to explain when Liam cuts me off.
"...and her new crush," he adds, winking.
I feel my cheeks heat up as I shake my head.
"Go to hell, Liam," I snap.
Who does he think he is? One moment, he’s talking to me like I’m nothing, and the next, he’s acting like we’re friends? He gives me more headaches than Tiffany.

عاطفيةNataly never expected to find herself in the middle of complicated friendships, but that's exactly where she is. Struggling to heal from a painful loss, she keeps to herself, determined to avoid drama. But when Liam, a charming yet unpredictable guy...