The Great Aslan

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They had very nearly arrived too late. The river was cracking apart right before their eyes. The water moved more freely now, and the crossing had been limited to a small section just at the base of the waterfall.

"We need to cross, now!" Peter ordered.

"Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked.

Beaver shook his head. "I'm not that fast, dear."

"Come on!" Peter urged again. He grabbed ahold of Lucy and Maggie, ushering them towards the small cliff path, but Susan stopped them.

"Wait! Will you just think about this for a moment?"

"We don't have a minute!" Peter snapped, making Susan draw back. She almost looked hurt.

"I'm just trying to be realistic..."

"No, you're trying to be smart, as usual!"

Having said his piece, Peter guided the two younger girls along the narrow outcropping, helping them to keep their footing. Evidently, he trusted that Susan would follow. A howl sounded in the distance, and Peter tried to move faster. After what felt like an eternity, they reached the riverbed. Peter helped Lucy down, and Maggie and Susan hopped down on their own.

In the time it had taken to climb down, a good portion of the ice had already floated away. Peter tentatively set a foot onto the ice, only for it to shift under his weight.

"Wait," Beaver said, "Maybe I should go first..."

"Maybe you should..." Peter agreed nervously.

Mr. Beaver slowly started across, carefully testing the weight and balance of each spot with his paws and tail.

"You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver accused as one bit moved underneath him.

He chuckled sheepishly in response. "Well you never know which meal's gonna be your last..." He grumbled something else under his breath, but the children couldn't quite make it out.

Maggie looked expectantly at Peter, and he locked eyes with her. With a short nod, he began to follow Beaver across, stepping precisely where he had gone on before. Lucy clung to his hand, and Maggie and Susan stuck together right behind them. Lucy nearly tripped as the ice shifted, but Peter kept her upright.

"If Mum knew what we were doing..." Susan muttered worriedly.

"Mum's not here!" Peter said sternly.

They were running out of river, and quickly. The ice continued to break off and float away, and if they didn't hurry, soon they would too.

Just then, chunks of ice fell from the frozen waterfall above their heads.

"Oh no!" Lucy cried.

They looked up to see the wolves of the Secret Police running across the top of the waterfall to cut off their escape.

"Run!" Peter shouted.

Susan grabbed ahold of Maggie and followed the other pair, but the group was cut off as the snarling wolves jumped out onto the ice in front of them. They looked back, but more wolves waited at the other shore.

Beaver leapt out at one wolf, but it got the best of him and viciously pinned him to the ice.

"No!" Mrs. Beaver cried.


At Lucy's shout, he quickly drew his new sword, but Maugrim merely sneered.

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