Dark Island

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A/N: We're getting so close to the end now, wow! I didn't even realize until now!


Deafening silence.

The phrase had never made any sense to her before. Now, however, here beneath the heart of darkness itself, Margaret felt it more than ever, as if the lack of sound had a life and a roar all its own. Ever closer they sailed, towards that island of shadow and evil, and none said a word.

The very shape and essence of the island swirled, a misty bleakness that seemed to feed upon their hope as they drew nearer.

Eustace flew overhead, though he too seemed apprehensive.

"What do you suppose is in there?" Tavros asked quietly.

"Our worst nightmares," said Edmund.

Beside him, Caspian murmured, "Our darkest wishes."

"Pure evil," Drinian suggested helpfully.

Margaret gazed into that roiling mass of shadows, that den of darkness which lay before them.

"This shall be our truest test, that much is certain," she said.

"Tavros, unlock the armory," Drinian ordered. He called out to the crew next. "Archers, prepare yourselves!"

The first mate made his way down to the main deck, following the captain's orders.

"Light the lamps!" he called.

Caspian turned to the others.

"We ought to prepare ourselves as well," he said.

Margaret caught his eye and nodded. Then, she turned to Lucy, steeling herself.

Now or never.

"Lucy, come with me to the cabin... I'll help you with your things."


The two girls went into the chart room whilst Caspian and Edmund headed into the main cabin to ready themselves.

Lucy, at the moment, was helping Margaret into her armor, which Caspian had brought along with her cloak. There had been no armor available for Lucy, however, but Margaret had done what she could to help her sister prepare.

Rhince's daughter had gone to speak with him before the battle, but she would be returning soon to keep herself hidden in this small space while they searched for the sword amongst the shadows.

"Before we get ourselves into this," Margaret said suddenly, forcing herself to speak quickly, "There's something you ought to know, Lucy."

Lucy looked at her curiously as she pulled one of the armor's straps tight. Silence lingered as she waited for Margaret to continue.

"I... my grandmother... just before she passed... she told me something. Something that... changed everything. Everything I thought I knew about myself, about why I was brought to Narnia..."

"What did she tell you?" Lucy asked. Calm, but quiet. She began to attach her red cloak to the armor.

A long, deep breath.

"She told me... that she would see me again when the Stars rain down from the Heavens at the End of Time. Lucy... her name, before she had married... was Pevensie."

Lucy's hands stilled after the last lacing had been tied, and she looked into Margaret's eyes.

"Susan was my grandmother all along... but she kept the secret at Aslan's request."

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