A Revelation in Archenland - One Shot

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A/N: This is the first of some followup one-shots I have planned for TFPoaBE. Let me know what you think!


Over three years since the day that Margaret and Caspian had pledged their lives to one another on a beach at the End of the World, the peace which had settled over Narnia found itself disrupted.

Those dark-hearted Narnians, who had once attempted to resurrect the White Witch at Aslan's How, now began to stir up trouble in the far reaches of the North, near where Jadis' castle had once stood. And at the same time, the Calormen of the South grew restless, as rumors of a more mellowed Red Lady began to arise in murmured thoughts of war.

At the same time that the Narnians faced their own struggles in the Northwest, Archenland called for the aid of their closest allies. And so it was resolved that Caspian should settle the matter of the Witch's new followers, whilst Margaret turned South to revive her reputation if needed. It pained them to go their separate ways, but after some negotiation of who should have what to best protect themselves, Caspian made his way to the old fortress of the Witch with Glenstorm at his side and the compass in hand, as Margaret, draped in her cloak of red, carried the Juice of the Fireflower to Archenland.

Among her entourage, she brought Windmane, the wife of Glenstorm, and a faun called Nausus, who had fought in the War of Deliverance, and sailed on the Dawn Treader.

King Nain greeted her upon arrival. He was a young man, having taken the throne around the same time the Giants of the North surrendered to Caspian. The bond between their nations had been forged in the midst of blood and desert sand, during a desperate call to aid when last the Calormenes had deigned to attack. All these years later, he was newly married and most elated to meet the legendary Resilient Queen.

His wife stood alongside him to greet the Narnian envoy, a shy young lady with a kind smile who took great care in showing Margaret to her chambers, rather than leaving the task to a servant as one might expect.

Nain intended to give the Narnians as much time to rest as possible before the council would convene, and Margaret appreciated it all the more once something occurred that no one could have predicted, save perhaps a Seer, but she'd had no such warning.

The Narnian Queen took ill almost immediately upon arrival. At first accrediting it to weariness from travel, once she'd had a chance to rest, the situation could no longer be denied, and Nain suggested bringing her to see the court physician.

Margaret thanked him, but insisted that Nausus was a perfectly capable healer, and apologized profusely for the delay.

"I'm certain he understands, Your Majesty," said Nausus as he directed her as gently as he could. Fauns would never truly order anyone about, but this was certainly as close as one might get.

A good while later, Margaret's whole world had changed, and suddenly, it became much more important to avoid war with Calormen at any cost.

"A child?" she asked breathlessly.

Nausus nodded. "Yes, My Lady. About three and a half months along, I'd say... That, or thereabout."

A smile broke out upon her face, and she covered her mouth with one hand in some attempt to keep from laughing in the faun's face in her joy.

Her very next thought, far more sober, was of how Caspian couldn't be present to have heard the news.

Caspian... He was so far away at this very moment, facing the perils of the North.

And likewise, Margaret was here, in the South, facing the prospect of a battle, in which she would be expected to lead the charge as a ghostly figurehead. But with the child to consider...

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