Ordinary Dreams

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A/N: Finals are done and I am back! (Until next semester anyways lol)


Invisible shapes pressed heavy footprints deep into the sand, silently, slowly moving across the beach.

"Seems they've brought a pig!" a voice whispered over the loud snorting noises coming from Eustace's general direction.

"This one," came another whisper. "It's female."

"So's this one..."

"And another, over here..."

The book which Lucy had brought with her lifted into the air, seemingly of its own accord, the pages turned by invisible hands.

"This one reads..."

Beside Margaret, her diary, too, was suspended in midair.

"This one writes."

"Let's take them both!"

Invisible hands covered the mouths of the two Queens, keeping them silent as they startled awake.

But not a soul stirred on the beach as they were carried away.


Hoofbeats thundered into the clearing at the Dancing lawn. All of the Narnians instantly became alert, though, Caspian noticed that some relaxed at the sight of the horse, and he realized that this must be another Narnian.

The Horse barreled towards him, stopping just short of trampling him. A rider dismounted, and though Caspian knew that he probably ought to be ready to defend himself from this unknown intruder, all logic had gone from his mind.

The rider was a girl, just a bit younger than himself, with flame colored hair, and steel gray eyes that seemed to pierce through his soul. Something about her felt oddly familiar... The way she carried herself reminded him of some noblewoman, but she was different from any noble he'd ever met.

"Brontan!" Trufflehunter declared, "What are you doing here?"

"And with a human no less?" Nikabrik sneered. He had accepted Caspian, yes, but it was quite clear that he did not extend this same, reluctant allegiance to any other humans.

The young woman seemed unnerved by the presence of the Dwarf. Certainly not frightened, but she had a curious look in her eye for just a moment.

"Let me explain myself, on behalf of Brontan," she said, and it was then that Caspian noticed the poor Horse was catching his breath, unable to answer his fellow Narnians' questionings. "My friend needs rest and refreshment. We have ridden nonstop for the better part of two days."

Trufflehunter and Nikabrik looked to him, which certainly was an odd feeling. Caspian nodded, and the Horse went off to graze.

"Who are you?" he asked the young woman. "What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking that of you, Telmarine," she replied shortly. "Why do the Narnian people look to an invader for leadership?"

That was the moment he fell in love, even if he did not yet realize it.

Caspian's dreams had not been so easy as of late, but tonight, he found peace, as his mind allowed him to relieve some of his fondest memories, of the time he'd had with Margaret those three years ago.

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