Finally a Saturday

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Thank goodness for Saturdays. Between schoolwork and these five, I never get a break! I woke up on my own time (usually pretty early anyway), and walked into the kitchen. Red was up, so I gave him his morning hug. I like giving Red hugs. He said that Green was up already, taking a walk. It figures. Green always finds a good way to spend his time. Red and I did our little morning game, guessing who will get up next. We decided that Vio would be the next one up, followed by Blue, and then Shadow, always the last to drag himself out of bed. Sure enough, Vio was the next one to wake up and walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning, (y/n). Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you," I replied.

"Hey, what about me...?" Red said, his face turning sad.

"I didn't forget you Red," Vio laughed, patting him on the head.

"Ugh... Need... Coffee..." Blue stumbled out of the hallway, half asleep.

"Good morning, Blue!" I said.

"...Mornin'," he replied.

We all sat down at the table, as usual, and I served them their coffee (yes, probably a mistake, but whatever, it's Saturday), leaving Green's in the microwave for when he gets home. Vio always uses the purple mug, Blue uses blue, and Red uses red. But I suppose anyone could have guessed that. Since Red is already pretty hyper, I always make his with more milk than coffee. I helpful tip I learned from last Saturday...

"Gimme that!" Blue yelled as he grabbed the sugar from Vio, who was just about to use it.

"*sigh* I know you need your beauty sleep, but do you have to be this grouchy in the mornings?" Vio complained.

"URGH..... Every time you open your mouth you have something to correct me on!"

"And every time you open your mouth you sound like an idiot."

(Red) "Hey stop fighting!" :'(

"GUYS-- break it up," I said firmly, "Blue, Vio had the sugar first. You can use it after." Either me or Green usually settle the feuds between them, unless Blue and Green are argueing. Then it's always up to me.

"...fine." Blue grumbled, shoving the sugar jar back to Vio.

'Finally, a moment of peace...' I thought to myself.


"Looks like Shadow finally got out of bed," Red laughed.

"Oh, boy..." I muttered.

Shadow, hair a mess, stomped down the hallway and into the kitchen. He glared at Blue, who was sitting in his usual seat. At first Blue glared back, but he knew better than to mess with Shadow in the mornings, so he moved.

Quickly, before chaos struck again, I served Shadow his coffee in a charcoal colored mug. He snatched it from me, and drank it all within three minutes. Like magic, he was back to his normal self again.

"Good morning, Shadow," Vio smiled.

Shadow smiled back, then looked at Red. "Why do you have to always be so happy all the time?"

"Hehe, I dunno!" Red chirped, his face beaming as always.

"Well stop it. It's starting to make me feel happy too."

"But... I'm sorry Shadow... I can be depressing like you if that's what makes you happy..." Red mumbled sadly, his eyes welling up with tears.

"Ah look what ya did now!" Blue reprimanded Shadow. I think Blue has a soft spot for Red.

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