Getting to know each other.

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                     (No ones pov)
After all the stress of them first meeting again they had choosen to go to a cafe....

                 (Williams Pov)
As we both sat there in complete silence we just glared and at eachother and drank our coffees I was really shy and didn't know what to say.... But i said somthing... I said: "Ive been wanting to a apologise for the things i did.... I knew i was wrong..." As i grab his hand... "Please forgive me...."... He laughed and said:" The past is in the past and i should be the one asking for forgiveness... Im the one who was a jerk to you because,  I was scared to tell you how i actully felt about you.."

            (After 48 coffees later and two hours of talking and laughing)

              (Tony's pov)
I looked at him.. He seemed so happy when i was talking just by his eyes made me fall for him even more....... So i asked him "Are you still dateing henry...?" I was just guessing if they where dateing becuase they always where kissing eachother and flirting with eachother....... I really was jealous of henry..... I still am tho...... He just sat in shock.. And said: " D-dating!? W-we where just friends.!.!.!! Well not anymore.... We haven't talked in like 35 years..... After he tryed to kill me...." William said crying.... So i ran up to him and kissed him on the lips and said: "W-well you dont need him you have me!!!" He was so red....

                      (Williams Pov)
H-he kissed me....! HE KISSED ME!!! EEKKK I must have looked like a tomato.... I got out of the chair and jumped into him crying whlie saying: "THANK YOU..!!! I LOVE YOU- I-..." I stopped myself before i said anything else..... He said in shock "y-you love me!?"

            ( To be continued.....)

William Afton  x Tony lopez 😻Where stories live. Discover now