Not So Happily Ever After

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Sans POV)
She was upset and it was obvious.
She needed some comfort. And I was there to give it to her.
As much as she needed.
"Do... you think we could handle a long term relationship?"
I didn't know how to answer.
I loved chara too much to handle not being in an actual relationship, but not be together every day.
"I.....don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?"
She said, slightly raising her voice.
"I-look, chara I love you. So much that I want us to be together everyday. I can't handle the thought of not being in the same room......"
She just sat there looking at me.

And then...
She sat up and kissed me.
And it was real this time.

I melted into it(nono. No. Sfmw get outta here)
And she helped us part and she put her forehead against mine.
"Sans, I love you too. But you need to understand, I HAVE to leave."

(Dang it bold is still on I'm so amateur -_-)
"I promised my parents on the surface that I would come by and visit. It's only for a month I swear."
I gently kissed her on her forehead and said"I hope so...."

She then bade her goodbyes and left.
And I knew it'd be a long month.

Chara POV)

Dang it........
What am I gonna do without sans for a month.........
First it urned into 'ill be gone for good' and now I have to tell my parents I can't stay...
So I bid him goodbye and left so I could see my parents.

Sans POV)
I went back home and lied on my bed

In Depression (ب_ب)

And frisk came in my room smiling, but her smile faded when she saw the look on my face.

"Dad? Are you alright?"
"Huh? Yeah. I'm ok kiddo."
"You don't sound alright."
"Well I'm fine."
"No your not. Let me make it better for you"
And then she tackled me.
"Frisk?! What are you doi-(laugh)stop! No! Please!(laughing)"
We had a tackle fight.
"Never! Not until you smile!"
"Oh yeah?"I asked with a smirk."take this!"
"Dad!(laughing) stop tickling me!! hahaha!"
Eventually I stopped and she hugged me tight.
"I love you dad."
I kissed her on the forehead before saying
"I love you too kiddo."I smiled.
"FINALLY you smile!"she grinned.
We heard Papyrus say he made dinner,
(in this au his food is so godda!n
delicious) so we went downstairs to eat his spaghetti.

Third person)
Huh. Chara said she was going to see her parents, but she's walking into the cemetery. Wonder why?

Chara POV)
I made it to the surface and headed to where my parents lived.
"Hey mom, hey dad, it's been a while hasn't it?"I laid down the golden flowers on their grave.
"I'm so, so sorry. For everything.
Its my fault....
...that you two are dead.......
....I killed you.....out of craziness."

Third person POV)
Chara was reverted back to that horrible day.
She killed her mom, dad, brother.
She couldn't take it anymore.
She had to end this.
Grabbed her knife
And held it to her throat.
"Things will be better mom, dad.....
.....I'm gonna end it all right now."

And she did the deed.

I'm famous for cliffhangers
So tune in next time!
Author chan

Hehehe.....likely story...(Chara x sans)Where stories live. Discover now