Marry Me my Love....

153 4 45

Sans POV)

Time skip one month

.......where is chara...?
It's been over a month and she said she would be back then.
I'm kinda worried about her.
So I did the most stupidest thing ever

I sent frisk to check on chara .

I know, that's literally the dumbest thing I have done, but I definitely couldn't just waltz into the human village.
So I asked frisk to do me a favor.

"Frisk honey?"
"Be right down dad!!" She yelled back, then seemingly, I heard a box fall.
And I also heard

"FRISK! You ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine just got a 2 pound box to my head that's all"

4 minutes passed and she came down in her adventure gear, as I told her that we were going on a 'quest'
When it was actually just her.

"So you know how I told you that me and you were treking up Mt. Ebott?"

"Well honey change of plans. I need you to go to the surface to check on Chara."

"What? Really? I get to go somewhere

Huh. She must've thought she wanted me to let her go cause she believes she has enough responsibility.

"Well yes bu-"
"AHHHHH!"She said happily.
"Calm down kiddo."

"Ok! Where is the place where Chara lives?"
"Idk. She didn't say."
"But can you ask around when you get there?" I asked with a soft voice.
"Ok!"Frisk said triumphantly.
"Heheheh!"I just laughed at her silliness!

She's a sweet, sweet girl.

Time skip 40 minutes

Frisk POV)

I made it to the human village and everyone thought I was Chara for some reason.

I told them I am in no way related to chara and asked them where she was.
"She left to the cemetery!"One of the locals said.

Why did she go there?
.....oh........oh no........
Her parents are dead.

Poor chara.
I left towards the cemetery in a rush, and looked for chara.
"CHARA!"I yelled, but to no avail.
I then smelled something I recognized.

Golden flowers.

I ran towards the scent and sure enough.

A knife was in the tombstone.
And she was gone.
Where was she?

Third person POV)
Chara held it to her throat, but
......couldn't go through with it.

Instead she sliced the tombstone in
half and stuck it there.

She then left, a small cut in her throat, but not much bigger than her thumbnail.
She walked off in Depression and sorrow.
And left for good.

Frisk POV)

Dang it. Where is chara?
I left the cemetery but not before paying my respects.

After I did, I looked for chara in the woods.
But then my phone buzzed.

It was my dad.

I answered and said
"Hi dad."
"Any luck?"sans said, slightly hopeful.
"No. I haven't fou-*gasp*"
"What? What?!"

Sans POV)

She didn't say anything.

I asked her again, but she said
I could tell whatever it was needed no explanation.

I teleported to her location using find my phone(frisk' phone anyway XD)
And chara was lying on a log
But was unconscious.

"CHARA!"I ran over to her and held her close.
She was still breathing, but it was loose and slow.

She must've suffered Cold Urticaria.

I teleported me and frisk back to Snowdin and yelled for Papyrus to come down immediately.

"WHAT IS IT SANS?"He said in his usual voice as he walked down the stairs.

"Oh. The Human has returned?"
"She fainted from the cold." I said shakily."I need you to make some warm soup for when she wakes up."

He then proceeded to start cooking.
"Frisk can you pull the curtains closed, make sure the doors are shut tight, crank the heater up, and grab me two thick blankets?"

She nodded and made sure to check everything.
And after she was sure we were warmly secure, she cranked up the heater.

Time skip 1 hr

I was sitting next to the unconscious Chara combing my bony fingers through her silky brunette hair.

But then, she began to stir.
After about 30 seconds of rustling,
Her eyes fluttered open.

"Chara. Thank God you didn't die."
"Wha-where-"she said with a tired look on her face.
"Chara, will you marry me?"
She didn't look tired anymore.

She looked at me with wide eyes.

734 WORDS?!
Author chan

Hehehe.....likely story...(Chara x sans)Where stories live. Discover now