The End.......?

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Chara POV)

"Chara, will you marry me?"

That question rang in my mind forever and ever.

I didn't know what to say.



Ok. I need to calm down.

He looked me in the eyes and said my name bringing me out of my world of thoughts.

"Chara?"Sans said with slight hope.
"I........Sans....."was all I could say.

At the moment that is.

Frisk looked our way in great hopefulness, and Papyrus did as well, but of course he kept a straight face.

"Sans.....I love you.....but..."
Sans got a slightly worried face.

"I have to say..........."

"...................Yes."I said with tears in my eyes.

Sans was so estatic he picked me up and hugged me real tight.
Too tight even.

"Sans! You're crushing me"I said muffled.

He then caught himself and put me down but not without a kiss on the lips.

He then caught himself and put me down but not without a kiss on the lips

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"I love you chara."Sans said.

"I love you too!"I then put the emerald ring on my finger and kissed him again.

Frisk clapped and cheered, but Papyrus was really mad.

Why? You may ask?


Frisk just giggled at Paps and came and hugged us.

I hugged her back of course.

"I'm so happy you're going to be my mom!"frisk said with joy.

"I'm happy too."I said to frisk while looking up at Sans.

We shared one more kiss and hugged frisk again.

Time skip 6 months

It was the big day.

And Frisk was the flower girl.

I had asked Asgore to perform the ceremony and Alphys and Mettaton were my bridesmaid and mate.(XD)

"I hope I look good..."I said worriedly.

"Don't worry you look beautiful."Toriel said as she pulled my hair into a bun.

"Y-yeah! You look b-beautiful Chara!"
Alphys said.

"Fabulous darling!" Mettaton said.

I hope they weren't lying about me being oh so beautiful...

Sans POV)

I was waiting anxiously at the alter.

and Asgore was looking at his phone while waiting for her to come.

"Dude. Really?" I said to him.

"What?"Asgore Replied.

"Oh forget it."I said in defeat.

Then the doors at the end of the hall opened and Frisk came out skipping while throwing Golden flowers.

Then Chara. And she was carrying a bouqe-WHAT THE-


Frisk came up and whispered into my ear and said

"Instead of a bouquet, she wanted to carry Flowey down the aisle."

Oh. That, makes perfect sense.

She came up and put Flowey on a pedestal next to Asgore's podium.

And the ceremony commenced.

*Time skip to vows*

Chara POV)

"Do you, Chara Dreemurr, take this ma-er-Skeleton, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, when poor and when wealthy, till death do you part?" Asgore said.

"I do." I said looking him in the eyes.

"And do you, Sans Font, take this woman, to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, when poor and when wealthy, till death do you part?"he then asked Sans.

"I do."Sans said happily.

Asgore straightened his tie before continuing.
"Then by the power vested in me, and the Royal High Commission, I now pronounce you two Husband, and Wife.
You may kiss the bri-"

I dipped my husband and kissed him.

"---groom??"Asgore said with wide eyes.

I let him carry me out the door to our limo and he kissed me when he shut the car door.

"I love you Chara."He said while combing his bony fingers through my hair.

"I love you too Sans."I said in reply.

We were now a happily married couple......

*Time skip 12 years

Frisk POV)

It was my parents' Twelfth anniversary.

Me and my younger sister and brother, Chris and Helvetica, had made breakfast for mom and dad.

We suprised them with breakfast in bed.

"Happy anniversary Mom, Dad!" Me and my siblings said proudly.

"Wh-whats this?" My mom asked tiredly.

"Frisk suggested we make you breakfast-in-bed for your anni-anni-"

Chris was only 5, so he had problems saying some words.

"Anniversary."Helvetica said, proud that she was 7 yrs older than her brother.

"Yeah! What Hetty said!" Chris said.

"Aw~ you guys didn't have to do that!"
Mom said sweetly.

"I assume you made the food Frisk?"
Dad asked.

I nodded."they helped with the present, that's it."

They hugged all of us and said they loved us.

"We love you so much!!" Our parents said squeezing us tight.

"We Love you too!" I said, happily.

The End.....

*Trumpet noises*
Woot woot!
We are finished!
Or are we?
Only time will tell......
Anyways, Till next time,
BUH bai!!!!~
Author chan

Hehehe.....likely story...(Chara x sans)Where stories live. Discover now