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Background info b4 the story starts :D

You're a 16 year old girl Minecraft streamer who has been playing on the dream smp for about a year and a half. You live in America. Y/N is your name. L/N is your last name. F/I is your first initial. Unless specified, italic writing is YOU thinking. This chapter has cussing.


"Sap. Sap. SAP. SAPNAP! STOP!" You shout into your mic. "You dont have to do this Sappy! I'll rebuild it i swear!!" You start laughing as your fingers stumble over your keyboard.

Maybe it wasnt the best idea to set his house on fire.

It was weird how quiet Sap was being. You expected him to yell at you but all you could hear through the discord call was the angry tapping of him chasing you into the woods.

"Smapnap Sapnap Soupnap. Snapmap. MappySnap. Nap." You plead, trying to distract him. "Lets reason. Please please please." You crouch behind a tree, and peak out from the side trying to see where he went.

"Where are you Y/N..." He finally says. "Im gonna KILL you." He shouts.

Not only did you burn his house down, you killed all of his pets, ruined his farm, and embarrassed him in front of all the people watching his stream.

You probably shouldn't be laughing. He seems pretty pissed. You may have the better armor, but youre not very good at pvp.

Maybe i should just leave the game for a hot minute. You thought. Then maybe i wont lose ALL OF MY STUFF.

Your eyes glance down to the chat. Big mistake.

Even though you looked away for less than a two seconds, you see Sapnap's minecraft skin right in front of you when you look back at your screen.

"Fuck." You say, backing up slowly. "Listen. Listen. I uh didnt mean to."

"Bullshit." He says.

You turn to run. Big mistake.

The second your back is to him, your dead.

"FUCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!" You scream into your mic. "Goddammit Sap what the fuck." You rip your headset off.

"You deserved it bud. I just got that pet cow to." He says rolling his eyes. "Can i have my stuff pleaseeeeee." You beg him. "Nah. Mine now."

"Nonoonoonononononono Sapnap GIVE IT BA-" You hear the sound that signals Sap had left the call.

"FUCK YOU FUCK YOU" You shout. Angry, you start trying to chase his character around the map, but he leaves the game.

"goD FUCKING DAMN IT CHAT DAMN IT!!" You start to read the chat, trying to see what you should do.

Your chat is obviously laughing at your misfortune. "OK chat, uh poll time, ermm, should i finish destroying saps house or should i rebuild it?" A lot of different answers flood in. "Keep in mind IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!! I DIDNT MEAN TO! The lava just didnt go where it was supposed to go.." You say.

You dig a hole in the ground and hop into it, to show your chat you feel guilty.

While you throw yourself a pity party, you realize some one just joined the server.

"Oi! Tommy just joined!" You laugh.

Typing to in the server chat, you tell Tommy to join the call.

Discord lets you know that he just joined.

"Tommy? Can you hear me?"

"BIG F/I! How are you doing mate?"

Letting out a half laugh, you give Tommy your coords and tell him to come to you.

"Alright, Im on my way Y/N."

When Tommy finally gets to you, he almost falls into the hole you just dug.

"What you doing down there?" He says laughing at you.

Y/N: "Funny story actually, i just burned down Sapnaps house. And he didnt really like that"

Tommy: "So he shoved you in a hole? And somehow stole your armor?"

Y/N: "No dumbass he killed me and then i dug a hole out of shame."

Tommy: "Ohh yeah ok that make more sense. Still dont know why youre still in a hole.."

You roll your eyes. "I just told you dingus."

"Dingus? Thats a new one." He says laughing. "Its my new word of the week. I cant stop saying it for some reason." You reply

"You wanna know what my uh word of the week is?" Tommy says, clearing trying to not laugh.

Why do i have a feeling i already know what it is.

"FUCK!" He says, cracking up. "Im so fucking funny. Im such a big man."

Oh my lord.

You look down to your chat as Tommy drones on about how great he is.

user1: soo are you NOT gonna burn down the
rest of saps house?

user2: get tommy to help you!

ooh. this should be funny.

"TOMMY" You say, interrupting his monologue. "You wanna help me destroy Sapnaps house."

"Is that a question? Or a demand?"

"I think its pretty obvious."

Tommy sighs and says "You need a pickaxe? How about some flint and steel?"

"You know me so well."

Pretty Boy (TommyInnit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now