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Authors note :D

Hello beautiful person reading this! I hope all is well and you are staying safe and drinking water <3. Last chapter, you showed tommy your face for the first time!!! You know the drill, Y/N is your name, L/N is your last name, F/I is your first initial. Unless specified, italic writing is you thinking. Your gamer tag is F/I aviator. When someone says "Aviator" They are speaking to you.


1 week until face reveal


"I literally talked to you two days ago Aviator." He says, laughing.

"Two days to long! You ready for some bed wars?" Youre excited for today. You and tommy haven't played bed wars in what felt like forever.

"Actually Y/N, yes i am. let's fucking do this."

You and Tommy spawn into the server.

"Are we doing duos or going against each other?" You ask.

"I say we start with going against each other, and then we play together. It'd be funny." Tommy says

"Fair enough"

The countdown starts, and then...

"Boom! Let's go chat. Let's beat Tommy!!"

You and tommy bicker about who is going to win.

As you surround your head with end stone, Tommy says "How about this: whoever loses has to do a truth or dare."

"I actually like that idea but i think instead we should just play it the whole round."

"Ok fine. No saying stuff like 'i dare you to die' or anything like that ok?" He adds.

"Ok. Winner gets to tweet something front the losers account."

You and Tommy start playing truth or dare. Tommy keeps picking dares, so you just give him stupid ones like, "Build straight up 10 blocks" or "go to the island next to you". Worried that he might give you a bad dare, you keep picking truth.

All is going well until tommy is getting dangerously close to your island. You build a safe wall around your island but he keeps getting closer and closer.

"Y/N in on my way to your base hehhehehe" He says "It's your turn, i'm assuming you are gonna choose truth."

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit you really are coming over here" You say quickly "GET AWAY PRETTY BOY SHOO"

Laughing, Tommy says "Ok Y/N, do you like anyone?"

Tommy is at the opening of your base, with amazing armor and a great weapon.

Without thinking you respond with "Yea, you"

Tommy stops playing and backs up. His eyes are open wide.

Laughing, you take this chance to kill him.

Tommy is to stunned by what you just said and isn't even paying attention.

You punch him off the bridge. You've won the game!


You glance down to your chat box, thinking you'd see "POG!" or "LFGGG" but instead everyone is freaking out fir a different reason

Oh shit.

Tommy is still silent

"Tommy? You good?"

"Uh yeah yeah i'm good i just i uh a little uh caught off guard." He says, sputtering.

"Hahah i knew that would work." You say. trying to cover up your massive mistake.

"Yeah of course..game tactic and strat right? Tommy says weakly.

"Of course...yeah." You whisper.

"Um stream my wifi is acting up i'm just gonna um. I'm just gonna..i'm gonna go." Tommy says. "Bye guys"

"Tommy wait. Please."

Click. Tommy has left the call. Tommy is no longer live.

"No this cant be happening."

You throw on a happy face and tell chat goodbye, and you'll be active on social media to make up for cutting the stream early.

Click. You are no longer live

What have i done

You pick up your phone and call Tommy.

After three tries, he finally answers.

T: What is it Y/N

His voice is raspy and he sounds weak.

Y: I..uh just wanted to check on you.. you don't seem ok

T: No i guess not. It's alright, aviator. nothing you did.

Y: okay tommy.

T: I'll talk to you later.

*time change: it's now the day before your birthday*

You and tommy haven't spoken in five days.

I feel so empty what the hell. Where are you tommy. Come back to me.

Not only has Tommy not talked to you, he hasn't talked to anyone. You're so worried for him.

Where is he

His twitter hasn't been edited. He was totally M.I.A.

How did you just fall off the face of the earth Tommy. please. i need you.

You roll over and look at your alarm clock. It's 10:45 pm. You open twitter. All you see is everyone blaming you for Tommy disappearing.

You rewatch the last stream you did with him for the fourth time, and for those 25 minutes, you don't feel anything. You're numb.

You open twitter.

@F/I aviator

Hey tommy if you see this please come back. i miss you :(


You press send.

In 15 minutes, you see you've gotten 8k retweets and even more views.

It's now 12:00 am.

Officially your birthday.

You start to cry. You can't control it anymore. You miss your best friend so much. It hurts so bad. You miss tommy like no other.

You cry yourself to sleep.

3 hours later, you hear a loud sound outside. Your eyes snap open and you get up to peak outside your window.

What the hell was that?!

Tip-toeing out of bed, you go to the kitchen and grab a pan.

Ok maybe i'm over reacting. I live on the third story. No ones gonna come for me.

Suddenly, there's a knock on your door.You gasp and hit the floor, completely startled.

"OW GOD DAMN IT FUCK OW OW" You whisper scream.

"Y/N?" a voice says.

Not just any voice.

You'd recognize that accent anywhere.

Pretty Boy (TommyInnit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now