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Authors Note :D

Hello reader!! I started writing this story early November and I turned off my Wattpad notifications. The other day, I came on here to read a fic and saw a bunch of notifications! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this story by reading/upvoting! I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me :)))).

Anyways, last chapter Tommy showed up un-expectantly at your apartment. You let him in and have stayed up late listening to music. (Spoiler alert: y'all kissed!! twice!) Remember, Y/N is your name, L/N is your last name, F/I is your first initial. Unless specified, italic writing is YOU thinking. Your gamer tag is F/I aviator.


Your eyes snap open.

What the hell? What time is it?

You sit up, and your hand flies to your neck.

Oh my gosh, my neck! Did i sleep funny or something? Why-

You look down and see a sleeping Tommy lying on top of you.

Oh that explains it.

You slip out from underneath him, and shuffle over to the counter. When you get there, you see a glass tin with half eaten brownies in it.

What on Earth? What did we do last night?

flashback to last night, well uh technically morning

"Tommy, how did we get here?"

"I dont know."

You sway back and forth together, living in this new found euphoria.

"Y/N im hungry."

"Wow, way to kill a mood Tomathy. Lets make brownies."

The two of you walk into your kitchen. Its 4:15 am, and you both are starting to become delirious. Giggling, you pull out the brownie mix and Tommy grabs the other supplies.

The two of you are a complete chaotic mess as you try to create the delicious desert.

"Tommy. Tommy, no no no" you say, still laughing. "What the fuck are you doing. Do you know how to read?" You yawn and rub your eyes sleepily.

"No bitch, i never learned how to read. mmmmmmmnmm"

You yank the eggs from him and start cracking them into the bowl, not noticing how many shells are going into the mixture.

"You're quite bad at this, aren't you?" Tommy says with his classic laugh.

"No!" You shriek defensively. "I'm just really..." You yawn once more. "...tired."

Tommy yoinks the eggs from your hand and starts to crack them, but gets them all over the counter.

"Ah shit.."

"Now who's bad at cracking eggs?" You say with a grin.

You guys start arguing over who's the better baker, and continue on with the brownies batch. About 30 minutes later, the brownies are FINALLY done.

"MM TIME TO EATCH BITCH" Tommy says grabbing a fork and immediately taking a huge chunk of brownies straight from the middle of the dish. The dish starts to wobble and like a reflex, Tommy grabs the side of it to keep it from falling to the ground.

"OWWWWW!" He shrieks. That tin was still VERY hot.

"Oh my god! Tommy!" You cry.

"Son of a bitch! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Y/N do something!!!" He yells.

You grab his arm and guide him to the sink and rinse his burnt hand under the cold water. Tommy continues to whimper in pain. After about 3 minutes of light cold water, you inspect his hand.

"I don't think it's hospital worthy. I will be wrapping it though."

Tommy has gone silent, clearly still in pain.

You grab the first aid kit of your fridge top and pull out the Band-Aids, Neosporin, and gauze.

Tenderly, you pick up Tommy's injured hand and tend to his burn.

flashback over

You laugh at how Tommy had been so excited to eat those god awful brownies, when you feel a set of hands on you shoulders.

"Goodmorning sleepy head." You say playfully.

Tommy brings his chin down, so it's resting on the top of your head.

"How's your wrist?" You ask quietly.

"It hurts like a little bitch." He replies blatantly.

"Well no shit sherlock. you grabbed a 450 degree glass tin."

"I was trying to help you!" He replies.

Rolling your eyes, you catch a glimpse of the time.

"OH MY SHIT OH MY SHIT OH FUCK OH MY GOD OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!" You say, flying out of your kitchen and to you recording/streaming room.

"What? What? What's happening?!" Tommy shouts.

"ITS 11:30!"

"Hm. 11:30. What does that got to do with any-"

Tommy snaps his head up.

"OH SHIT OH SHIT!" He shouts as he runs to your bathroom to get changed.

You quickly do your hair and apply a light amount of make up. Then, you throw on your sweater merch and a pair of mom jeans. Tommy comes running into the room wearing his classic red and white shirt. He's actually fixed his hair nice.

Aww tommyyy

Tommy reaches down to where your sitting in your gaming chair, and says "Just follow my lead."

You nod and stand up, letting him sit down.

Click. You are now live on twitch.

"Good afternoon, my lovely chat! How are we all doing today?" You say. Your face cam is off still.

The chat has gone crazy, and the view count has skyrocketed. Some chatters are wishing you a happy birthday, others are angry that your face cam isn't on.

After talking up your chat for a little bit you finally say "Ok guys, i'm gonna turn on the cam. Are y'all ready?"

Click. Now the entire world can see....tommy's face

Chat erupts in "WTF" and "TOMMY" and "OMGGGG".

Tommy begins to laugh and says "ELLO CHAT! How are we? I'm here today with the man the myth THE LEGEND..Aviator! Now before she comes on stream, we're all gonna wish her happy birthday alright? okay? nice. nice. ok well Aviator, it's all you!"

You take a deep breath.

I can do this.

Smiling, you lean into frame.

"Hello chat!"

Pretty Boy (TommyInnit x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now