Newt 1

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I am bored and sad 😀
I cannot think of Kai Parkers actors name rn, but the imagine of him requested by the hilarious bottom in the Robert Downey Jr imagine comments will be up tomorrow night.
(The Last of Us 2 AU bcs I'm in love with it)

"Why were we sent out again?"

"Because Ellie and Dina were sent out last time, and Jesse's still recovering from being shot by Ellie when she thought he was an intruder."

"They should've sacrificed Ryan instead. I mean who needs the dosser, he's a perverted scum."

"Don't say that." Newt muttered, you shrugged, fixing your backpack strip.

"Well am I wrong?"

"About the perverted scum thing? No. But don't say sacrificed. Not like their feeding us to the slaughter."

"I know, I know. I just like being a dramatic arse."

"Well I mean it is your entire personality in two words."

"Ya well your entire personality in two words is pillow princess."

"See now that's not fair at all."

"It's fair and accurate, pillow princess."

"Whatever, let's just find some supplies and go back. I cannot stand you right now."

"What? Are you angry?"


"Hell if you're not angry that's great but there's no need to be so loud about it." You hushed, grabbing the oblivious mans collar and pulling him away from the clicker filled corner store.

"You are really getting on my nerves today Y/LN." He sharply whispered, his voice wavering between octaves. You slapped your hand over the mans mouth and glanced through the windows.

"I'm sorry about the pillow princess joke, but I really need you to shut the hell up." Before he could try removing your hand or biting it, you forced his head towards the window. His eyes widened, letting you know he finally realized why you were so cautious. "We have to walk by, stay low and stay quiet." You whispered.

"Let's get going then."

"I know you got a gammy leg, you sure you'll be fine?" (I forgot to mention you're fucking Irish bcs why not)

"Yes you arse."

"I'm justing making sure."

You crouched behind Newt, the man was stubborn and clearly struggling with his leg.

"Newt, if you need any help-"

"Fucking christ Y/N! I've been on this leg for donkeys years! I'm fine!"

"Well that's great because now we need to leg it! Go!" You yelled, the swarm of clickers running towards the window. Newt pushed himself off the ground, struggling to get onto his own two feet.

"Fucking hell!" He hissed, limping in pain.

"Stop your effin' and blindin' and get a move on!"

"I'm trying!" You turned to see the window starting to crack, clearly about to shatter.

"I know you hate being picked up, but we have no time for this!" You scooped the man into your arms and tossed him like a sack of potatoes over your shoulder.

"Put me down this instant! I am perfectly capable of running myself thank you very much!"

"With your gammy leg and those infected back there? No chance you'll make it fella."

"Fuck off."

"I love you Newt, but seriously. You cannot be out here anymore. As soon as we get back I'm telling Maria you cannot be going out on runs anymore."

"As soon as we get back I'm sleeping at Thomas's house, I can't stand it when you treat me like I'm some helpless child." You ignored his comment and focused on conserving your stamina.

You don't know why or even how this was happening to you, but fate was not on your side seeing as this felt like a situation that would end with you meeting your demise. But, you worried more for Newt's safety as you set him down against the glass panel. You shakily pulled your gun out as the door you had locked was being charged at by a group of infected.

"Just stay out of the way. I got it." You muttered, flicking the safety off and raising it to the door. After seconds, the door was broken down, and the first runner was charing towards you. You emptied two clips and lost three shivs trying to protect Newt and yourself by the time there was a single infected left. You dropped the new magazine, and fumbled as the bullets fell out. By the time you had decided to use a shiv instead, the runner charged at you, pushing you off the ledge. You fell to the first floor with the runner swiping at you, Newt rushed to his feet and emptied a round into the runners back.

"Holy hell that was too close." He muttered, you nodded, attempting to get up. You let out a sharp exhale, and your back fell back to the floor, you couldn't move, not without feeling a surge of excruciating pain. Newt took notice and immediately ran down the stairs, holding back multiple grunts of pain. You panicked, the room becoming blury and a nauseating feeling overwhelming you. Your boyfriend grabbed the runner and pulled it off of you, almost bursting into tears at the revelation. A rebar had pierced your back and was poking out of your stomach. Your shirt was covered in blood, and you were losing even more by the second.

"Okay, okay, okay. We'll figure this out. Let's get you up first. Yeah?" Newt whispered, a weak smile on his face. You shook your head, you could never make it back to Jackson in your state, the condition Newt was in only creating more doubts.

"Go back, get others. I'll be here waiting."

"Your fucking body will be waiting, ya! You won't make it, we have to get that rebar out now." Newt pleaded.

"Newt please."

"Get up! Y/N, get the fuck up!" He begged, your breathing was becoming harsh, and the rising of your chest was slowing down immensely. "Okay! I'll go get others! Just-just hold on." He rushed, running as fast as he could back to Jackson. You really had tried, but deep down you knew, even if Newt had returned with others before you died there, there was no way they could get you back to Jackson before you bleed out.

Fuck me I hate this one but idc

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