Manu Rios//New what?

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"Jesus, what Austin"

"I dare you flirt with that new kid" you turned your head to see a short male talking with the principle.

"Ya I'm good right here" you pulled your hood up, speed walking down the hallway. Loud footsteps trailed right behind you, though you wouldn't know since you were too concerned with the beat of the song that blasted through your earbuds.

It's not about reciprocation it's just all about me
A sycophantic, prophetic, Socratic junkie wannabe
There's so much skin to see
A simple Epicurean Philosophy
And you say I'm such a cliche
I can't see the difference in it either way
And we left things to protect my mental health
But you call me when you're bored and you're playing with yourself

A hand grabbed your wrist, though it didn't faze you.

"Yes" you spoke, turning fully around. You looked down, seeing the person that you saw earlier.

"Um hi, can you tell me where the English honors classroom is" you took note of his thick accent and the way he shifted under your intense stare. You pointed down the hallway, your grey orbs only trained on him.

"The last door on the right"

"You're such a fucking pussy Y/LN"

"Sorry I'm not a dumbass like you Austin"

"Oh fuck you faggy"

"Don't act like I didn't catch you and Brad in the supply closet" Lauren, your longtime bestfriend laughed loudly. You turned around to see her talking with Camila. You grabbed your stuff and jogged over to their table, taking the seat that was available on the other side of them both.

"Hey Y/N" Lauren greeted you, glancing over at the brown eyed girl next to her.

"I would say hi back, but I see you everyday and it's so tiring"

"Just say hi back like a normal person for once" Lauren rolled her eyes in a playful manner.


"I swear to fucking God-"

"Um Ms in the back with black hair, please stop talking" the same accent stuttered, obviously nervous. You turned around to see the shorter man standing in the front of the classroom, girls drooled over his frame, while the straight guys groaned loudly, knowing their girlfriend would drop em real fast for the man.

"I'm Mr. Fernandez, you're new English teacher" the man seemed to gain more confidence every second.

"What the fuck"

"I hope we have a great year together, considering you're all seniors" half of the girls giggled, though everyone knew it was forced and very flirty.

"Straight girls these days" Lauren muttered, twirling her pencil. You zoned out, staring at the clock behind your teacher.

Months later
"Excuse me....Mr....Y/LN, are you listening" you snapped your head down, staring at the man.

"Ya ya, of course" he sighed, nodding anyways.

"Considering we have five minutes left of class, you have free time" Lauren and Camila immediately engaged in a conversation, every once in a while they would include you in it. You sat patiently, scribbling down whatever song lyric came to mind. Finally the bell rang, everyone except the girls and you rushed out. Lauren and Camila waited at the door for you, smiling when they saw your figure.

"Hurry up Y/N-"

"Mr. Y/LN, stay a minute please. Besides it's the end of the day, I'm sure you can spare a minute or two" you glanced over at the girls.

"It's fine, we'll wait in your car" you nodded, tossing her your keys. Both girls walked towards the school exit, eventually disappearing into the parking lot.

"Yes Mr. Fernande-" a pair of lips crashed onto yours, not letting you get out your question. When you realized what was actually happening, and how wrong it was, you pulled away. Your breaths were short and quick.


"You're a very handsome man Y/N"


"Do you want this" you couldn't deny your attraction towards the older man.

"I'm your student"

"You won't be in a week, and you're eighteen, right"

"Ya, but-"

"If you don't want this, that's perfectly fine, but don't make it awkward when you come in tomorrow-" you grabbed the man by his thighs and sat him onto his desk. You stood in between his legs, your hands resting on his thighs.

"I want this, but not here"

"If you give me your phone number, I can text you my address, maybe schedule a meeting there later today, most definitely after that one too" you were painfully hard, a very noticeable tent in your sweatpants. You gave the man your phone, letting him do whatever on it. You couldn't concentrate, how were you going to explain the huge bulge. You were brought out of your thoughts when two hands pulled down your boxers and sweatpants. You looked down to see Manu on his knees.

"Seems like you need help"

"Oh fuck"

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