Chapter 1: Divine Encounter

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You know, this isn't exactly what I expected to see after death.

The brief, searing pain from the wrecked car exploding in my face, now that was to be expected.

But floating, in this void - looking place?

Definitely not.

'Is this supposed to be Hell?'

"How rude of you. If this was Hell, you wouldn't just be relaxing in your birthday suit, now would you?"

'Dunno, it could've been torture if you kept it going for a little longer. Anyway, who are you, guy?'

I don't know why, but I could just feel this guy's exasperation.

"Really, you couldn't have seemed more shocked?" 'The guy' says, clearly disappointed.  "You're in the void, and some ethereal voice just came out of nowhere, and that's your response?"

'Well, I'm in shock, if that counts.' Seems that I can't really move right now. 'I did just get blown up, you know.'

"Oh, right. You had one of the more violent deaths, forgot about that." I feel like he just facepalmed, or whatever weird voices in the void do when they messed up.

'Also, you don't have an ethereal voice. You sound like some guy on voice chat with a shit microphone.'

"Wha-!?" 'Guy' sputters out. "Hey! Don't blame me for your world's lacking magical energy, this is already impressive enough!"

'Sure. Anyway, what exactly do you need from me?' I really wish that I can crack my knuckles right now. 'I doubt you're just here to chat with a dead guy.'

"Ah, right. Back to the point." 'Guy' stops to clears his throat. "So, you're Neal Woods?"

'That's me, unless you're looking for the guy working in the Japanese restaurant 2 blocks away.'

" know what, I'm not even going to ask." Oh, feels like he just shook his head. "Alright, real talk now. You want to come with me?"

'Come with you to where, exactly?'

"Another world, where else?"

Okay, that came out of left field. I was expecting something like, Hell, considering the stuff that I actually laugh at back when I was still kicking.

'Okay, for what?'

I can feel you rolling your eyes, 'Guy'. 

"Okay, try to act more shocked this time, okay kid?" Try me, let's see it. "I'm a god, kid. A god from another world."

'Okay, and?'

".....alright, I'm gonna stop being dramatic. I'm offering you a little reincarnation gig."

'Alright, what exactly do you need me to do?'

"I'm going to need to explain a bit first." Out of the void, a board pops up in front of me, showing me a map. "In the other world of Iroa, gods, like yours truly over here, are a bit limited. Sure, we have enough power to crush mountains and vaporise oceans, but for smaller scale stuff, like people, we're forced to be pretty hands - off for that kind of thing."

'Okay, where exactly do I come in?'

"I was getting to that." Oooh, little stick figures are showing up on the map. "In order to keep us divine beings from directly doing things, we appoint a representative that can do things for us. That's where you come in."

'Huh, that sounds cool.'

"So, will you take it?"

'Of course I will, staying here any longer will drive me insane.'

"Perfect! Now, brace yourself."

'Wait wha-'

Now, how do you react when a glowing hole pops up underneath you and sucks you in like a vacuum cleaner?

Of course, the only valid response is:


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