Chapter 2: Awkward Rebirth

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(Up top is my amateur rendition of the world of Iroa.)

...Okay, I may have died, but falling that fast sucked. Seriously, what is with divine beings and tending to be dramatic?

You know what, forget it. I got sucked down a hole, taken away from the void (or whatever the hell that place was), and now I'm in this, I dunno what to call it.

The guy said that I was reincarnating, but as what?


What the f-

Welcome, champion!

To the world of Iroa in the year 249 ADW!

...I'm just not going to question this weird screen thing. It'd be better if it was a bit darker though.


There, that's easier on the eyes.

'Thanks, now, what exactly are you?'


This is the Divine Champion Assistant. All champions, no matter the status of their god, are given access to it, to accelerate their growth and training process!

We're pleased to congratulate you, Champion of the Spirit God, on your reincarnation as an Umbral Dragon!

'As a what now?'


Umbral Dragons are dragons that were born in areas that have been infested by remnants of dark magic. Due to this, they have an incredible affinity to dark magic and schools of magic associated with it, such as illusion magic, along with all of the power being a dragon brings with it.

 Despite their fearsome reputation however (that is mainly caused by the actions of their progenitor, Dragon Lord Dostern), most individuals of this species tend to not go out of their way to seek trouble with other sentients.

Well, that doesn't seem too bad, and I'm quite high in the food chain of this world, it seems.

'So, since I'm a newborn dragon, am I in an egg right now?'

'Is that why everything is so dark?'


You are correct, Champion. Dragons have an incubation period of just over a month, roughly 35 days as your mother nourishes you with her inborn magic.

'That's, actually quite cool.......wait, did you just say 35 days?'


'Oh, you've got to be kidding me.'

During this time, your patron god has suggested that the DCI informs you of the general situation of the world of Iroa. That way, 'you won't be going in there blind', as he said.

'So the guy does know what he's doing, hopefully. Okay, please do.'

Though, strangely enough, it feels as if I made a mistake.

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