Chapter 3: A Blabbering Assistant and Pain

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(Hello, and sorry. I literally procrastinated on this for so long that I'm now heading for college. That's next level. I'm free because it'll be a while until I actually go into college, so I might actually write again.)

I regret everything. I should've just stayed there in the void.

Now, you're most likely asking 'Why?'.

Well, that lies mostly with the fact that this Assistant or whatever, hasn't shut up for the entire day!

I like being in the know as much as any other guy, wait no, dragon would, (That's going to take some time to get used to.) but I don't exactly need to know something as obscure as the brand of wine that's popular in the world nowadays, do I?!

'Alright you know what, sorry to interrupt your very informative and very long explanation, but can you please just focus on things that I should know instead of random trivia?' I ask with just a tiny bit of exasperation. 'I feel like my ears are gonna fall off, and I don't even have ears yet!' your will, Champion. The assistant lady responds, sounding a bit disappointed.

As I have told you, Iroa is mainly split between two powers. The Hazoron Empire, and the The Verdant Alliance.

(Crossed Swords mark the Empire's territory, while the Banner marks the Alliance's territory

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(Crossed Swords mark the Empire's territory, while the Banner marks the Alliance's territory.)

'Then what about those two unmarked ones?'


The rightmost one is Rylas, land that has been declared neutral ground. It is where the leaders of both the Empire and the Alliance meet to discuss anything that can endanger them both. Otherwise, it is just a fortress with merely a token garrison.

As for the one on the left, that's Tyrma. The Empire often uses it to train their newest soldiers due to its harsh environment and the amount of monsters that make it their home. It is also where both the Alliance and the Empire banish traitors, those who associate with demons, or corrupted mages.

'Wait, neutral ground?' I ask, just realizing the implications. 'You mean these two are a bit hostile to each other at the moment?'

It's merely some caution and paranoia, but yes. The Empire and the Alliance used to be close, until an ambitious battlemage from the Empire, Lord Raymond, pulled a coup d'etat massacred the Royal Family. The remnants of the Royal Family, now called the Loyalists, managed to escape and hide, and Raymond, now Emperor, set his sights on the Alliance.

The Alliance, caught off guard by the sudden invasion, had their closest cities and some of their oldest families wiped out, barely even able to resist the Empire's assault. Thankfully, the Loyalists managed to assassinate most of the key leaders under Raymond, and even Raymond was eventually hunted and executed by Alliance soldiers. But the damage was done, and relations have become much more strained between the two. Today, mages are not allowed to take positions of power within the Empire, and Raymond's bloodline was purged.

'Yeesh, good thing I didn't get brought in earlier. Also, how much longer until this damn egg hatches?'


Remaining time until Host breaks free: 33 days, 22 hours.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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