Chapter 6

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Yoon Min's classes were over today. She found plenty of time for herself. Usually, she would go back to her room now but it was a surprise she was feeling a bit funky today, not wanting to end her day so soon. So she decided to have a tour around the magical land. The infinite green land up above the purple sky will lead you to nowhere but inside your own imaginary scenarios. She traced her feet on the mild wet grasses and enjoyed the orange sun going home.

She crossed through many green heart-shaped trees which had shining leaves blooming. This land of utmost beauty will cause your broken heart to chill down and make you feel like this was your real home. A satisfying smile made her way to her lips.

Yoon Min promptly sat down on the grass, leaning against a tree's trunk. She almost thought it was a soft pillow. Giggling at her thought, she let out a relaxing sigh before closing her two eyes and let the moving sun fall its last rays on her face.

It was a minute or two when her eyes were opened by a beautiful humming sound. It sounded so pleasing and musical. As if his voice was itself an instrument. Yoon Min straightened her back and scanned the area in order to find the source of humming. Her excited mind had no idea that the voice was coming from the tree. Blinking softly and sharpening her ears, finally, she was able to figure out where the voice was coming from. She turned her back and raised her head to meet the branches.

Unexpectedly, she found a boy laying on the wide strong branch, his arms under his head as a pillow, one of his knees bent. He had no fear of falling from so high. Yoon Min noticed he was the one humming this beautiful song. She took advantage of him and laid down again, enjoyed his humming as the background music.

After a while, his humming came to an end, his voice slowly faded away with the clouds. He was so amazing.

“Hey, nice voice.” she had to give him a little compliment.

The boy opened his eyes and looked down, still remaining in his position. He definitely didn’t look happy to see her as he didn’t know her at the first place and he wasn’t aware of her presence.

“Thanks, Guardian Yoon Min.” he replied back.

It surprised her greatly as she looked back at him again, eyebrows clutching together.

“How did you know my name?”

The boy let out a scoff as if he found her question childish, “You are the talk of the town nowadays. Senior Guardian Kim Seok Jin's favorite student, they say”.

Yoon Min felt herself being a bit unaware of her surroundings. She's the talk of the town? How come she didn’t’t know it? And why? She's his favorite student?!  She laughed sarcastically and laid her back against the soft trunk again.

“Yeah, right...Favorite student, my foot.”

She heard the boy chuckling at her comment. She decided to ignore him for now.

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