Chapter 2

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I walk around my head kept down. My hair was now to my mid-back and shines brighter than ever. I wish I could say the same for my eyes. The brightness and excitement that use to be there is gone. I'm in Paris and it's January. It's the twenty-fith. I'm wearing my raven black hoodie. It's the same shade of Nico's hair. The hoodie is up and I'm wearing skinny jeans to go with it. I'm wearing leather, tan boots and snowy white, knee high socks. I'm wearing white gloves and a navy blue turtle neck. I work at the library. I head inside and check in. I sit there and read in French. I've learned all the languages there is to know. I'm fluent in all of them because aparently Drean's are fast learners. I'm reading The Les Miserables. I have my right cheek in the palm of my right hand. I hear a ding and look up. I resist the urge to let my jaw drop and stare in awe. There's a guy about my age, twenty-three, walking in. He's wearing a raven black turtle neck, a royal blue scarf, a dark blue jacket, light blue, worn jeans, white socks, and royal purple sneakers. He's wearing a jet black beanie. He has light brown, shaggy hair, he's tan and very well built, he has dark blue, rich eyes, he has that softening look that sets the whole room at ease. I smile as he makes his way over. He seems nervous. He kind of reminds me of a child of Apollo. I smile kindly at him. (I'm going to write it in English but pretend they're speaking French)

"Hello. What can I do for you?" I ask. "I'm looking for a book about Greek gods and godesses." he says searching around franticly. "Oh? May I ask why?" I question looking through the names of books. "Ha! You wouldn't believe me if I told ya." he said. I raise an eyebrow. "Oh? How do you know I will?" I ask. "Because people like this are only found in the U.S.A." he says. "Although, you do look like you could be one of them." he says. "I'm originally from America you know. I just moved here because, well, the guy I thought loved me called me a monster. So, I moved and became fluent in French. I'm (Y/N)." I inform. He smiles slightly. "Shawn, Shawn Frand." he says and we shake hands. "Follow me." I say as I lead him to his desired book. "I recomend Greek Mythology. You get to know all about the Greek gods, godesses, and stories." I chirp biting my lip. He smiles at me. "You know a lot about Greek Mythology I'm guessing." he states curiously. I nod. "I have to know for... never mind." I say grabbing the book and heading to my desk. "What? What is it?" he asks. "You wouldn't believe me." I say with a wink. "A secret for a secret?" he bargains. I nod. "I'm a demigod." he says waiting for a reaction. I smile. "Me too. I'm a daughter of Aphrodite." I say shrugging. He grins showing off his perfect white teeth. "Apollo." he says. "Here, it's due on Febuary twenty-fith." I say handing him the book. "Thanks, when do you get off work?" he asks. "In about three hours, why?" I ask curiously. "Wanna have lunch with me at the café?" he asks. I smile. "Sure, why not? I guess you're pretty cute." I say perkily. I smirk as he smiles brightly at me his eyes shining like a thousand suns. "See you then." he says waving. "See you then." I repeat. I smile as he walks out. Shawn, the most perfect name in the world. I sigh dreamily and rest my head in my hand. The next three hours seem like years. I check out as the next worker checks in. I head to the café.

I walk in and spot Shawn instantly. He's sitting outside for a table for two the sun hitting it just right. I smile and walk over and sit down. "Hey." I chirp. He smiles. "Hey." he says. "So, who was the boyfriend that called you a monster? Where you having a bad hair day or something?" he jokes. I laugh lightly. "I wish. No, umm, can you keep a humongous secret?" I ask biting my lip. He nods noting my nervousness. "I'm a Drean." I say. He smiles. "Awesome. I read about them. Man, you must be like, ten feet taller or something that you are right now." he says happily. "R-really? Y-you're not afraid of me? You don't think I'm a monster?" I ask. He smiles widely. "Nope. And whoever that idiot was he missed out on something amazing." he flirts. I blush and bite my lip. I hide my face with my hair. He moves my hair out of my face. "I think you look cute when you blush." he says and I feel my face get even hotter. I mean, I've always known I've been beautiful, hot, cute, whatever but the way he said it made every time anyone else say it seem, stupid. They just said it because they wanted to and stuff. They were either being nice or checking me out. He actually meant it so that made it special. Is it possible I can actually forget Nico? I look at Shawn and you know what? I think a change would actually be pretty nice.

A waitress in a skimpy blue skirt and a tight, blouse with a fancy, little, red scarf and light blue high heels comes over. She has light blonde hair that curls at the end and reaches her shoulders. Her eyes are icy blue and she's in between tan and pale. Her skin is as flawless as her makeup. She wears dark red lipstick and she has a smokey eye and some lightly apllied blush. She smiles at us. "What can I get for you?" she asks politely. Man, I thought she was gonna hit on Shawn or something. It's not like people like that don't notice other people like Shawn. I smile politely at her but mostly in relief. "Can I have a Root Beer?" I order and she rights it down. "Some lemonade please." he orders and she puts it down. "Okey-dokey! I'll get it right away! When I come back if you're ready I'll order your food." she chirps and walks away. Man, a nice waitress to serve us, a beautiful day, and a nice guy that ACTUALLY cares about me. Can this day get any better. I smile at Shawn. Suddenly the air seems to darken around us. The sun's shining on us but it seems like it's dropped a few degrees. There's no wind. What could've caused this? I look around desperately glad I have a hoodie on and seem something to ruin this perfect day. Nico was here and he was looking right at me.

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