Chapter 3

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I can't believe it! I knew he would find me but now! Today! This flippin' afternoon! At this very stupid second! My eyes widen. Dang it! I knew sending him an Iris message was a bad idea. "Oh no." I say and look into Shawn's eyes. "What? What is it?" he asks. "My ex is here." I tell him feeling him get closer to me. "Who's his parent?" he asks. "Hades." I whisper. He grabs my hand and rubs the back of it with his thumb soothing me. "Hey, it's okay. We'll get through it together." he says warmly and a sense of calmness washes over me and I smile. As long as I have Shawn, I'll be fine. "Hey (Y/N). Long time no see." Nico says. I tighten my hold on Shawn's hand needing something steady to hold onto. "What are you doing here?" I hiss. "Please, let me explain-" he begs. "Explain what?!" I cut him off. "Explain how you think I'm a monster like that? How you can't except me how I am now?" I ask my voice breaking and Shawn tightens his hold on my hand. "It wasn't like that-" he tries to explain but I cut him off. "I think that's EXACTLY how it was. Just, leave me alone. I've been happy without you. I moved on. I have a good steady job and a best friend. Life's good. Plus, I don't have to worry about a lot of monsters because it turns out, Greek's don't like Paris. At least, only Aphrodite does. I've taken a break Nico. I've moved on. We are better without each other." I hiss like venom. "I'm not. Neither is Leo. We've been searching for you all around." he says. "Where is he?" I ask looking around. "He's not here. He couldn't come because of a Calypso emergency." he says. "It's good to know everyone's all right." I say with a smile. "Yeah, you've missed a lot." he says. "I haven't missed a single thing. The reason everyone stopped searching is because I sent an Iris message to them. I pleaded to them not to look for me and assured them I was happy and fine. I Iris messaged Leo last night. I got an update of everything." I say proudly. "And he didn't tell me?! None if them did?!" he asks angrily. "Because I made them swear on the River of Styx not to." I defend. He huffs. "Bye Nico." I say turning towards Shawn who looks at me in awe. "No (Y/N), I'm not leaving without you." he says. "Shawn, can you order me a crućant? This might take a while." I say standing up. He nods. I go to an alley and allow myself to change. "I said goodbye Nico." I hiss. "No." he says standing up as straight as he can but I know he's scared. I can see it in his eyes and the way his hands are shaking. "You're scared of me as this but not as a human. You said you loved me and I thought you meant it. I meant it when I said it to you. Guess this is only a one sided thing." I say sadly and take off. I fly high over the café and I see Shawn look up. I wave. I must look like a plane or a gigantic bird. I see him smile with my enhanced eyes. I fly in circles before I see Nico storming over. I swoop down quickly changing. Who knows what the mist makes them see. The good thing about my clothes is they mend themselves almost instantly. I walk over and sit down across Shawn. "That was amazing. You're so beautiful the way you fly. It's like a thousand sun's are shining off of you. I didn't know your hair grew so long. It's, just, so, spectacular!" he exclaims happily and I giggle while I feel heat rise to my face. "You're not, afraid of me even now? You know I can breath fire in that form." I say and he laughs. He takes my hand and looks in my eyes. "I would NEVER be afraid of you. No matter what." he assures and I smile brightly at him. "You are the best Shawn. I'm glad you're my friend." I say warmly as we smile at each other. I completely forgot about Nico, the others, Camp Half-Blood, all my worries just by looking into Shawn's eyes.

The waitress comes back. "What can I get for you?" "A crećant for me please." I order setting down the menu. "Some spaghetti for me please." Shawn orders. She writes down our orders and leaves. Nico stands next to me. "No matter how much you plea, beg, pesture, I'm not leaving." I say my eyes never leaving Shawn's. He sighs. "Whatever. I'll convince you, eventually." he adds before walking off. I sigh in relief as my right hand holds Shawn's left. "Sorry for my past popping up today. Day's of all day's to happen huh?" I ask laughing nervously. Shawn opens his mouth to say something but our food gets here. I eat my crećant and Shawn eats his spaghetti. I check my snowy white watch. "Oh! I gotta jet! I have to be somewhere." I say standing up. She's gonna kill me! "What for?" he asks. "My friend and I are supposed to be shopping for her wedding dress." I say grabbing my strapless, tan purse with a silver clip. "Can I at least have a number?" he asks. I pull out a pen and quickly write my number and name on a napkin. I hand it to him and wave and rush off. He just smiles after me. I run to the Efile Tower. I spot my friend Tris Doon. She has waist length jet black hair that's wavy like the sea. She has sea green eyes and is tan. She's a daughter of Posiedon. I rush to her. She's wearing a light blue blouse, a jet black casmire scarf, dark blue skinny jeans, knee length white boots, and a navy blue beanie. She looks annoyed. "Sorry! Sorry I'm late! I was eating lunch with someone and Nico showed up!" I exclaim and she gasps. "You ate lunch with someone?!" she asks as if I didn't just say Nico was here. I nod. "He's a son of Apollo. His name is Shawn." I say. She smiles. "Now you have a date to the wedding." she says cheerfully. I roll my eyes but smile at my goofy friend. She understands everything I've been through. "C'mon! Let's go!" she says excitedly grabbing my hand. We rush to a bridal shop and enter. A store clerk comes and Tris tells her her budget, the color she wants, the style, stuff like that. She leads us into a different room and I wait on a comfy couch showing the runway when I get to see her dress. Twenty minutes later she comes out in a long, sea blue dress that leaves a trail behind her. It's strapless and has diamonds around the hem. She's never looked better. I gasp as she loooks in the mirror. "Wow." she says and smiles. She tries on the top thingy, whatever you call it. It's like a tiara with small diamonds in the little thingy attached to it. "You've never looked better Tris." I compliment in awe. She smiles. "Thanks." she says. "I think this is it." she says to the clerk and she nods. "Your turn (Y/N)." she says. I groan but get up and she changes back into her clothes and buys her wedding gown. She wants a silky, sea green dress that goes to the knees for her maid of honor and everyone else. I get a dress that fits that description and sea green, three inch high heels. I try it on my hair done in a fancy bun but not as fancy as Tris'. She said at the actual wedding she's gonna wear diamonds in her hair and I just know it'll be amazing. She's marrying a son of Hermes. His name is Daniel Cole and he has blue eyes like his father and co-co brown, shaggy hair the color of his mother's. He's a peach tone and his teeth are perfect. They love each other a lot.

We buy my outfit for apperantely it's absolutely perfect. We head out and she rushes off to do cake testing with Daniel. I sigh and shake my head. She's gonna want a blue cake and it's going to be vanilla. She's just like her brother Percy although they've never met. Tris is a year younger than Percy so Posiedon broke the oath twice. Tris was born April twenty-fourth. I head to my apartment and walk inside. I callapse on my bed exhasted. We must of spent two hours clothes shopping. It's like, about, four o'clock p.m. now. I better go for a walk to pass the time. I grab my keys and head out the door. I walk outside and walk around aimlessly. I hear a bark. It's more like a whine actually. I follow the sound and find a hurt husky lying in the alleyway. It's leg is bleeding. I gasp and cover my mouth. I take off my hoodie and wrap it around the injured leg. It's the left front leg. It's good I've gotten stronger because I pick up the full grown dog and it looks at me with it's light blue eyes. I rush to the vet and explain what happened. The doctor said they can't treat it unless it has an owner. "I'll be it's owner." I say proudly. I've always wanted a dog plus my apartment allows pets as long as you don't let them run freely around the building. The vet nods and takes it back to treat it. It's a male, I could tell because I checked. I think I'll name him... Gaurdian because that's what he is now. He's my gaurdian and I am his. I buy a collar and have it eyched with his name, contact number, adress, stuff like that. It's a navy blue collar. The vet comes back. He has blonde, boy cut, shaggy hair, emerald green eyes, tan skin. He's wearing a lab coat with a dark gray T-Shirt underneath, light blue jeans, and black sneakers. He's wearing silver, skinny rimmed glasses. "He'll be fine but he needs to stay the night. Pick him up at eleven o'clock a.m. tomorrow." he says. I nod as I pay for the appointment and buy a navy blue leash. I head home and it's nine o'clock now. I eat a banana and brush my teeth. I change into a dark gray, baggy, T-Shirt that was my father's before he...... before he...... before he died. I'm also in white shorts and my hair is loose. I brush it and yawn. I climb into bed. I set my alarm for ten o'clock and fall asleep.

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