Chapter 4

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I wake up to a big honking sound. I turn off my alarm and change into a royal purple blouse, royal blue jeans, knee length crimsion red socks, knee length black boots, a black beanie, a silver necklace with a diamond heart. I eat a bowl of Frosted Flakes and head out. It's ten fifty-eight by the time I get to the vet. I brought the collar and leash. I buy a food and water bowl along with some food. I get Gaurdian and put the collar and leash around his neck as he pants. I brought my navy blue convertable Honda. I bring him in the passanger seat as I put the stuff in the back. I got my hoodie back but I'll wash it later. Today's Sunday so I have the day off. Gaurdian has his leg wrapped in a bandage. He had to get stitches. Apparently he got glass stuck in his leg. We get to the apartment and I take him inside along with the stuff for him. I set the bowls down and fill them. Gaurdian eats heartidly and then laps up his water. I refile them and he yawns. I sit on the couch and turn on the T.V. Gaurdian limps over and I help him up on the couch. He lays down and breathes heavily. I pet him as I watch ABC Family. They were showing Miser Brother's Christmas, my favorite Christmas movie of all time! I get a knock on the door and stand up. Gaurdian starts to move. "No, it's okay. I got this. I'll call ya if I need you." I whisper in his ear. He lays his head back down and closes his eyes. I walk to my door and look through the peephole. Daniel!

Maybe he can do some magical stuff to Gaurdian to make him better faster. I open the door. I grab his hand and drag him in. I lead him into the living room. "Woah, woah, woah!" he says. "Can you check my dog?" I ask pointing to Gaurdian. "Since when-" he starts to ask. "I found him yesterday and adopted him." I cut him off. He nods and checks him out. "This is probably the most lamest bandaging I've ever seen. Man, I can make him better by tomorrow!" he exckaims. "Will you?! Please?!" I beg. He smiles and nods. He grabs some stuff out of his bag. He's a vet at an animal shelter and always carries stuff around just in case. Tris and I always tease him about it but right now I'm glad he has it. He fixes Gaurdian up. "He'll be better by the next morning." he informs. "So why are you here?" I ask. "Oh, umm, hehe, umm, I don't know who I should have as my best man. I can't pick between David and Chip." he says. David is Daniel's cousin but Chip is his best friend. David's a child of Athena and Chip's a son of Ares. "You should chose Chip because he's your best friend." I say. "David's going to have to be the ring boy then." he says. I laugh. "Oh yeah, well, I'm sure he'll love that." I joke. Daniel smiles. "So who are you bringing to the wedding next week?" he asks. I blush and look away. "Oh, just a friend." I say dreamily. He laughs. "Oh yeah, sure, JUST a friend." he teases. I roll my eyes and push him out. "See you later. You've got news to tell." I say. He groans. "Wow, thanks. Bye." he says irritatedly. I laugh. "Bye." I say and shut the door. I get a text on my navy blue IPhone 10. I press accept. "Yello?" I ask. "Hey!" Shawn chirps. "Hey Shawn! Hey, are you busy right now?" I ask checking my watch. It's about twelve o'clock. "I was just about to ask you the same thing." "Can you come over? I'm in the Apartment Plaza in room 4A." I inform. "Yeah sure. I'll be right over." he says. " 'Kay, see ya then." I say. "See ya then." he repeats.

Ten minutes pass before I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and smile. I grab his hand and bring him to the living room. "I have to ask you something." I tell him excitedly. "What is it?" he asks. I smile widely. "My friends having a wedding and she wants me to bring someone. It's a week from now. Will you come?" I almost beg. He smiles a perfect smile. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." he says cheerfully. Gaurdian looks up and pants. "Who's this?" he asks. "I found him yesterday on a walk and he was injured. I brought him to the vet and adopted him. His name's Gaurdian." I say petting him. He looks at me happily. I grin at him. "So, why did you want to know if I was free?" I ask. "Oh, just wanted to know if you wanted to go walk around." he says. I smile. "Sure." I grab a leash and attach it to Gaurdian. "Let's go." I chirp. Gaurdian gets up and he seems stronger. We walk out the door and down the stairs then through the doors. We are greeted by sunlight. I smile. "You know, I like Apollo more and more these days." I say as we walk around. Shawn laughs. He grabs my left hand with his right. I hold his hand as we walk. I smile at everything. Shawn's like a person sun. He shines happiness everywhere. He's wearing a bright yellow T-Shirt, navy blue jeans, black sneakers, a black beanie, and he has a orange, yellow, an red braclet on. "Where'd you get that braclet?" I ask pointing to his left wrist. "My mom gave it to me before I moved here." he answers. "Where'd you get that necklace from?" he asks. "My dad gave it to me for my thirteenth birthday." I say sadly touching it. This and the T-Shirt are the last gifts I have from him. "Where is he now?" he asks. "He's in the Manhattan, Kansas cemetary." I answer on the verge of tears. He kisses my forehead and squeezes my hand. I smile at him and rest my head on his shoulder as him right arm releases my hand and goes around my shoulder. Something shoves Shawn away from me. "Shawn!" I cry and run to him as Gaurdian looks around growling as he follows me. I get to Shawn. He's up against a building and he's unconcious. I check for a pulse. It's beating fast but it's there. I sigh in relief and hug him close. "Thank the gods." I whisper. I hear him groan. Gaurdian growls and barks. I turn around and feel like I'm gonna growl to. Nico.

I pick up Shawn easily. "Gaurdian! Go back to the house!" I order. He looks at me warily and I nod. He runs off. I run to an alleyway. Nico follows. I change and look at him, hugging Shawn close. He starts to come to. "(Y/N)." he moans. I smile a bit. Even when he's hurt he worries about me. "It's okay, we'll get out of here." I whisper. Nico advances and he seems pissed. "Stay away Nico." I order backing up. "No, I can't just leave you here! I need you!" he says. I hiss. "If you needed me you shouldn't have hurt me." I growl opening my wings prepared to take flight. "What was I supposed to think! I'd never seen anything like you! Of course I'm gonna be freaked out without any warning!" he shoots back. Shawn clinges on to me. "Leo didn't. Leo thought it was anazing and spectacular. He didn't have a warning." I point out. "Yeah but," he tries to think of something. I flap my wings and we soar through the air. "This, is, totally, amazing. I've always wanted to fly without a hot air baloon or plane." Shawn says grogily. I go to an alleyway closest to the apartment and change back. "Gaurdian!" I call out as I walk out holding Shawn as he's half concious. Gaurdian runs up and I attach him to the leash. "Let's go inside." I say rushed. We rush in my room and I let Gaurdian off his leash. I lay Shawn down on the couch. I stroke his face. "Shawn." I whisper and hug him. I lay next to him my head on his chest. I hear his heartbeat. I hold him close. Suddenly I feel something stroking my hair. I look up at Shawn. I kiss his cheek. "I'm glad you're okay." I say relieved as I feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. "Shh. It's okay. I just got the wind knocked out of me." he soothes. I look into his eyes. They're full of happiness and love. I can't take it anymore. I kiss him on the lips. He kisses me back. It was natural and my body melted into his and our lips moved in synch. We break apart for air and I rest my head on his chest again. Nico had his chance. Now I'm with Shawn.

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