Chapter 8

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Colonial One, Later That Day

"Good afternoon, everyone", President Laura Roslin began with a broad smile. She never thought she'd be happy to see the gaggle of reporters, but she looked at all the faces, and realized she had missed them-and that some of them were missing. It was a new start for all of them.

"I wanted to spend a little time talking to everyone in The Fleet, since we are finally back together for the first time in just under two years. It is good to be home, and see so many of you. I also plan to travel throughout The Fleet-to each ship-and greet all of you in the near future.

"First of all, I must give thanks not just to the gods, but to Admiral Adama, Commander Adama, and all the men and women who planned, coordinated, and pulled off the daring rescue of those of us on New Caprica. Their courage, their dedication, their professionalism, all won the day in the air. On the ground, that same courage and dedication being displayed by ordinary citizens, in picking up a weapon and fighting to free us should also give all of us a great sense of pride.

"Yet, despite this courage, we have lost much. Our numbers have gone down by more than two thousand. Beyond the normal deaths and births, we endured two Epidemics. We endured raids on our homes, with people being taken away to prison, some never heard from again, some executed by The Cylons. We also lost many, many good people during the operation that freed us from New Caprica."

Laura took a brief sip of water. The press was somber, knowing they, too, had lost members of their profession. Everyone was united at the moment, in shared relief and grief.

"Today isn't about grand strategy for the future of our people, or for this Administration. It is a time to reflect, and take stock of what has been gained and lost. I am announcing in two days, as 1200 hours, there will be a Memorial Service held on Galactica, to honor all of those that gave the last, full measure of devotion to Humanity, giving up their lives so that we might go on. I am also issuing a proclamation that, two days after that, will be a day of celebration on all our ships, to celebrate our deliverance from our occupation. We cannot grieve without also celebrating."

Laura paused for a few moment, collecting her thoughts. "I also need to bring to light a few things that have occurred, very recently, that have affected me, personally."

That made everyone lean forward a little, the press wondering if this had to do with her cancer. They weren't expecting what they heard.

"Recently, within the last six months, I became very close with someone while on New Caprica. We both realized that we had fallen in love, and just over a month ago, we were married. I also became a mother with that marriage, as my spouse has a little girl." She looked over at Kara, who was holding Kacey. "I'd like to introduce to you, my wife, Captain Kara Thrace, Call Sign Starbuck, and our daughter, Kacey."

That set the tongues wagging and a burst of excitement swept the room. Admiral Adama was in the back of the room, and smiled at Laura, who winked back at him. "Kara, honey, you and Kacey come up here?"

With that Starbuck came to Laura's side, not entirely comfortable in front of the press, as her wife certainly was. Kacey shyly buried her head in her momma's shoulder, making everyone in the room lightly laugh.

When the mild tumult died down, a member of the press raised her hand. "I'd like to address this to Captain Thrace-or is it Captain Roslin now?" The look of mild confusion on the reporter's face made even Kara chuckle. "I thought you were married-before this, on New Caprica?"

Kara stepped up to the microphone, setting her nerves to answer to the whole fleet. "Yes, that is true. My husband, Samuel T. Anders, who at one time was part of the resistance on Caprica, caught the flu during the first epidemic and passed away. Despite finding Laura, and marrying her, I can tell you that I miss Sam every single day, and he will always be in my heart."

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