Chapter 4

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Connor's team were swarming the prison now, using either their weapons, or small amounts of plastic explosives to blow open the doors to the cells. They had no idea where anyone was, so all the doors had to be blown. That was a lot of doors. They moved quickly.

Laura Roslin had never been so frightened in her life. She was no soldier, and the sound of battle right on top of her was a new experience-one she'd rather not have gone through. But her wife was here. Her life was in here somewhere. She only had a sidearm, but she kept moving forward.

Prisoners began to leave their cells, Roslin desperately looking to see if Kara was one of them. She wouldn't begrudge any of the prisoners getting out, but she had one mission here-get to Kara, and get her to Colonial One.


Colonial One

The Cylons were packing it in. D'Anna had given the order to abandon the planet, while the Centurions fought a delaying action. The only ship that didn't have a captain already onboard to fly it was the Presidential ship. That would arrive when Laura Roslin arrived.

As The Cylons abandoned, only Caprica remained for the moment with Gaius Baltar.

"I just want to sit here, and die", Gaius said, meaning every word of it.

Her heard a click from a weapon.

"Well, you're going to get your wish, Gaius", Felix Gaeta said, anger etched on his face. "I believed in you, Gaius. For a while, we all did."

Caprica approached Gaeta, the former Ops Officer pointing the gun at her, his mind drawn away from Gaius for a few moments.

Looking quickly in front of him, Baltar saw a gun within reach, probably left by one of the Dorals, who so loved to keep one on him. As Caprica walked to Gaius' right, drawing Felix's sight away from the President, Gaius picked up the gun. He was no expert with firearms, but he had used them a few times.

He fired.

Caprica turned to look at her lover full in the face, not believing what just happened. Then she looked down in front of her: Felix Gaeta lay dead on the floor.

"My God, Gaius!" Caprica hadn't expected anything like that.

"It was him or me, Caprica." he holstered the gun in the back of his pants. "Let's get the hell out of here."


The Centurions were still screening Colonial One, as their humanoid brethren were still evacuating that ship. Tom Zarek and his team had halted their advance, taking cover to one side of another ship near the Presidential transport.

"Roger", he yelled, "take Kacey! I want to peek out here in a few moments."

"Be careful, Tom!"

Zarek just looked at him. "Just keep Kacey safe, for gods sake."

They watched as more insurgents moved in toward the Centurions. Tom's men wanted to join the rush, but Zarek had given his word that they would get Roslin's daughter to the ship. Tom was a son-of-a-bitch, and he knew it, but his word meant something.

Tom looked briefly around the corner, and saw the Centurions being knocked down quickly. The insurgents were almost to the ship.

"OK, guys", Tom screamed, "let's get to the ship!"

They moved, with Roger cradling Kacey protectively, who was crying and screaming from all the thunderous noise around her.

Centurion bullets were screaming all around them. Even these tough men were frightened like they'd never been, never seeing anything like this. The ramp under Colonial One, and into the shop came closer and closer.

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