Chapter 13

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Kara had just put Kacey to bed, and the little lady was asleep in a matter of minutes in her bedroom. It had been a long, busy, but happy day for Starbuck, as she had started to re-connect with Galactica, and the people onboard the old but still mighty ship.

Laura had had an extended day, and was still not home on Colonial One, although Kara expected her at any time. There's gonna be days like this when you're married to the President, Starbuck, Kara thought wryly to herself.

She was at their kitchen table, going over the information on Bulldog, which still didn't make a whole lot of sense to her.

"Why would The Cylons allow a human to escape? Why would the miss an easy kill like that", she said, almost to herself. She had gone over the video several times on Galactica, marveling at Raiders missing shots that Nuggets could make.

"It makes no frakin' sense."

At that moment, Kara heard the door to their quarters open, and Laura came through the door, looking thoroughly worn out. Kara snickered a little, seeing her wife that way, but she knew that there was a tremendous weight on Laura's shoulders, being the President of a people running for their very lives.

"Hey", Kara said with a warm smile, getting out of her seat, walking over to her wife. "You look like something that the cat dragged in."

She put her arms around her wife, kissing her sweetly.

"Actually, if you look outside our quarters, you'll see the damn cat that dragged me in, Starbuck." It was delivered with an award-winning dead-pan.

Kara laughed, but not too loudly, not wanting to wake Kacey in the other end of their home. "Yeah, well, that must be a helluva cat, Roslin."

"You have no idea", the President said with an impish grin, returning the kiss to her younger wife and deepening it. "Mmm, that's what I've needed all day."

"What? You couldn't get someone in the Quorum to give you a lip lock?"

Laura snorted a laugh, capturing Starbuck's lips again. "You...mmm...are a comedian, do you...know that, Mrs. Roslin?"

"I do indeed", Kara said, their lips coming together again. "It's one of my better traits."

"Yeah, well, I'll agree with that." She grabbed Kara's hand, and they sat down on the couch, Laura pulling Kara's back into her chest, wrapping her arms lovingly around her wife.

"One of those days?"

Laura sighed. "Pretty much a normal day, just a lot longer. Did Kacey give you any problems?"

Kara shook her head. "Not a one. She did her homework, I got her dinner, and she's already pulling some serious zzz's."

Laura chuckled. "That's our girl."

"You want anything to eat, babe?" Kara looked over he shoulder at her lover. "I've got some leftovers in the fridge."

"No, honey", Laura said tiredly, "I ate over on the Celestra earlier this evening when talking to some of our people." She turned Kara to face her. "What I'd really like, if it isn't too much of an imposition, is a wonderful foot massage. My feet are killing me."

Kara chuckled. "Well", she moved off of Laura's lap, moving to the other end of the couch, pulling the President's legs over her own lap. She removed Laura's shoes and socks, "allow me, Madam President. It's a service I'm glad to perform."

Kara applied firm pressure to Laura's left foot to begin with, eliciting moans from her lady. Kara simply kept her eyes on Laura's feet, lovingly trying to bleed the stress of the day away from her wife.

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