Chapter 16

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No on thought the respite from The Cylons would last.

It had been a peaceful day, that Saturday, until about 1330. Lieutenant Aaron Kelly was at his Ops station. He had moved to the main shift when Felix Gaeta had stayed on New Caprica, and now that Gaeta was dead, he remained in that post.

"Dradis contact", he said loudly, but with no overt excitement. "Two Baseships just jumped in, bearing 202 carom 145, Raiders already in the air."

Helo was at the Conn, with both Admiral Adama and Colonel Tigh having the day off, at least officially. "CAP, Galactica. Narcho, Cylon Baseships just jumped in. Form up."

"We got 'em, Helo." Then Galactica heard Noel Allison talk to his Vipers. "Here we go guys, vacation is over, let's get 'em!"

Helo was on the horn to the launch bay. "Get all available ships in the air, Cylons have jumped in. All ships available in the air." Within moments, another fifty ships launched from both sides of Galactica, the position to the Cylon Baseships downloaded to their Viper's systems.

It had been a while since they had been in a bottle. It was also the first chance since leaving New Caprica that The Fleet, completely back together, had to respond. Helo knew some of the pilots were rusty, but he had confidence in all of them, without fail.

Kelly had called Admiral Adama in his quarters, and the Old Man came in two minutes later. In the port launch area, Lee Adama, soon to be the Vice President, was quickly in a Viper, and would take command momentarily. Kat and Hot Dog were airborne moments later.

"OK, everyone, this is Apollo", Lee said in business-like tones, "I've got command. Narcho, your squad hear right, bearing 135, carom 028, and flank them on their left. Kat and Hot Dog, your groups are on defense for Galactica and for the civvies until they jump."

From around him, Apollo quickly received replies from his senior jocks.

Some of the senior Captains among The Fleet had not survived New Caprica. That had been the intent of The Cylons, to leave as few good fliers as they could. Unfortunately, it had not been enough to keep the ships grounded. Some who were in command of the civilian ships, had not flown them off of New Caprica, and this was their first jump under battle conditions. There was some lost motion, but not enough to give The Cylons a good shot at taking out another chunk of the fleet.

Within seven minutes, all the civilian ships had jumped to the pre-positioned coordinates. Galactica had only lost two Vipers in the short, fierce encounter before the last civvie jumped.

Now firmly in control, with Tigh next to him, Admiral Adama wanted to high-tail it. "Apollo, Galactica Actual, recall all fighters, time to get out of here."

"Actual, Apollo, affirmative. Everyone, back to base, I repeat, break off."

Within sixty seconds, all the ships were aboard, and Galactica left The Cylons to shoot at nothing but empty space.

Life just got real again.


Admiral Adama called President Roslin, who was home with Kara and Kacey on Colonial One.

"How many did we lose, Bill", Laura said, from her office. Kara remained below with Kacey.

"Two Vipers, two pilots, a couple more shot up a little. All the civvies got out OK. We had a bit of confusion among some of the newer Captains, but that will take care if itself with some practice."

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