Chapter 15

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Please, no comments turning this into a political discussion on abortion. That's not what it's about. Thanks.


Two Weeks Later

The Fleet had settled back into a routine, which, for the moment, didn't include fighting off The Cylons. Pegasus and Galactica had found away to take out all four Baseships that had been been running sentry at New Caprica. No one even halfway in their right mind thought they'd seen the last of The Cylons, but no doubt it had been the biggest victory for Colonial forces since the destruction of the Twelve Colonies.

Kara was still under the care of Dr. Tribe, who was also treating Danny Novacek as well, trying to bring the man back after his tortuous three years being held by The Cylons. As for Kara, she was improving, but there would be a step forward, then a step back. She and Laura had made love a few more times, but Kara also had had a relapse, albeit much more minor, when they were making love one night, forcing Laura to simply hold her wife as she dealt with flashbacks of her captivity and torture.

Dr. Tribe and Admiral Adama were allowing Kara some SIM time, to get back her skills as a Viper jock, if, and when she was cleared, and if she decided to return. Adama was putting no pressure on Starbuck, knowing that getting over something like this was a process. He would have done the same for any pilot.

Today, Kara was in a SIM, while Kat was in another SIM, and they computer linked the two machines, so they could do simulated dog fights and maneuvers. Kat reminded Kara that she hadn't been in a cockpit in almost two years, and to cut herself some slack.

"Damn, Katraine", Kara said, rolling her eyes, before entering the SIM, "you sound like a CAG more and more each day, you know?"

Kat gave Kara a self-congratulatory smile. "I do, don't I?" Kara just rolled her eyes again as they entered their separate rooms.

Kat had been right: the younger pilot took Starbuck to the woodshed-and back-over and over for the next four hours, Kara cursing at herself, but trying to relax, knowing it would come back to her-or so she hoped. When they finished their session, both were sweating and beat, both feeling like they had actually been in real combat, which was the point of the exercise.

"Godsdamn, Kat", Kara said grimly, but with a small grin on her face, "either I've really lost my touch, or you've gotten a helluva lot better as a jock."

"Some of both", Louanne said, with no point of pride, just stating a fact. "Hot Dog and I went thorough a lot when you guys were gone. We were short-handed, and we were pulling a lot of extra duty, even when the Toasters weren't around. You have to either grow up fast, or get killed under those circumstances."

"Yeah, well, after this embarrassment, I'm glad you're not really shooting me down."

The two pilots went to what passed for the Mess Hall on Galactica. Food had never been what it was back on the Colonies, but it was edible, and they could also grab some booze while at it.

When they arrived, the place was crowded, and a host of voices gave Kara a nice welcome. Karl Agathon was the voice that was the loudest.

"Who the hell let you in here, Thrace?" Everyone laughed loudly.

Athena was present with her husband. Kara still wasn't comfortable around the Cylon, for obvious reasons, but Athena had done yoemens work planning and helping to execute the rescue on New Caprica. Kara wanted to give her the chance. She had rolled her eyes when Helo ribbed Starbuck.

"Karl, you dolt", she said with a giggle, "that's her maiden name. Address Mrs. Roslin in the proper way, will you?"

Karl took some good-natured ribbing from the pilots and the mechanics in the room, Kara laughing as he turned red.

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