Kinsley Foster that was my first memory, a name, my name, that was all I knew about myself until Niel came along.
Present time,
I woke up to the sound of my door quietly opening I looked up to see a boy about my age:13, with black hair, and grey eyes; I groaned. why do they have to have mixed gender dorms with only one other person!
"Excuse me." the boy asked "Is this dorm 203?" "yes." I mumbled trying to fall back asleep "ok." he said crawling into the bed beside mine.
And with that I fell asleep dreaming of the family I never had, and how to show that boy who's boss. little did I know that in seven years I would everything with this boy.
A/N sorry for the short chapter The next one will be good though. If put the stuff from the next chapter into this one I would be up all night. and yes these two will wind up together at some point!

Feelings of power-a kotlc/pjo crossover
Fantasythe story of Kinsley Foster and Niel Jackson's adventure to find outwho they are and what they can do