Chapter 1: "Gifted"

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"Huh?" You said looking around desperately to see if this was a joke. "As I said earlier, I am L." His calm voice was so mesmerizing. "But I'm not suited at all for a job like that!" I said a little too loud. "Hey keep it down, people might hear." L said placing his hand over my mouth. I turned red, he was really close. "Don't just touch me!" I said grabbing his hand.

"Anyways, you will join the talk force tomorrow." He said pulling his hand out of mine. He was being really forceful. I mean, it's not like I'm going to join! We were in a cafe and my coffee was getting cold, I took a sip and looked back up at L. He was picking a strawberry off of his cake, he looked very happy. Is he a child?

"Umm..." I muttered, trying to break the silence. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "So why was I selected in the first place?" I said trying to hide my eyeroll. Why am I nervous? "Hmm?" L said looking even more confused. "Your gifted of course." He said looking back at his cake. "G-gifted?" I said, ashamed of the stutter. But so confused.

"You solved a very difficult case even professional detectives couldn't." He said digging a fork into his cake. "Oh, that?" I said looking away from him a little flattered. Before I could say another word he shoved the fork into my mouth. I looked back towards him. "Is it good?" He said pulling the fork out of my mouth.

"Yeah, it is actually." I said happily, I couldn't help it. It was extremely delicious. He look surprised. "Hmm?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Your the first one to ever enjoy my cake." He said slightly frowning. I felt bad for him, I don't know why. "I also saved a strawberry for you." He said ripping the green stem off. I was confused, this guy was acting like we've been friends forever even though we just met. "Sorry, I got to go." I said looking at my phone.

He had a disappointed look on his face as he watched me walk out, "Will you join the task force?" He asked. "I don't know yet..." I said, not having the courage to say no. As I walked to my car I saw a girl with silvery blonde hair walk past me. She sure was beautiful. She caught my eye for a bit but I remembered soon what I was doing. I got into my car and shoved my key into the keyhole and with a slight turn my engines huffed on.

"That dude from now," I whispered to myself. "Was he flirting with me?!" I said slamming my head into the car horn. HONK! "That's was loud." I said turning red from embarrassment. Of coarse he wasn't flirting, how could I be so full of myself. I noticed a paper on my car seat. "Huh?" I said. "I don't remember putting that there." A drop of sweat ran down my forehead. I saw a Small Bean Diner coupon attached to the page. What could this possibly be?

I reached my hand towards the page and I lifted it up to my face. "Huh?!" I yelled with a shocked expression on my face. The note was an invitation to the task force! "How did this get in my car?!" I audibly yelled. Don't tell me... that guy put it in there?! What's his deal?! I was angry but somewhat calm. His soothing voice was enough to calm an army. The way he just fed me like a child...

"Snap out of it Y/N!" I yelled slapping my face. "Ouch..." How embarrassing. Well I'm not joining! I will never join! He's just too... umm... ughh!!!

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