16) Defense of the campsite

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Shade then jumped into action, running into the forest. Shade has seen the Pussycats fight a lizard and a Wowman from afar (Logan's advice for the name, don't look bad at me) so he's immediately cohesive with them. Once he arrived, Shade started attacking the lizard with the sword but the latter had a giant sword made from other swords that obviously he didn't know how to use much and moving it left and right Shade had to jump back to dodge.

Shade: Ok, serious question. WHY?

???: What?

Shade: Did you pay money to take all these swords and use them in such a useless way?!

???: It's not useless! It's how Stain used them!

Shade stood looking at the lizard for a few seconds and then laughed.

Shade: AHAHAH- Do you really believe that- AHAHAH- Stain- AHAHAH- Used the sword- AHAHAHAH- like that?

???: What? How dare you laugh at Stain, the hero killer.

Shade then calmed down.

Shade: Oh, I'm not laughing at him. I'm laughing at you. See, Stain didn't use the sword like that ... He used it like that!

Shade then jumped into the air and threw throwing knives at the lizard. The latter dodged but as soon as he turned he found himself with a sword very close to his shoulder, but being a lizard he has hard skin and Shade knows it, in fact the lizard remained motionless believing that he had managed to break the sword thanks to his skin but Shade stopped a moment earlier to grab it by the arm and throw him to the ground.

Shade: Analyzing the situation is always the most important thing.

Shade then blocked the lizard using earth and "Elemental".

???: You son of a bitch.

Shade: Easy on the words, lizard.

Shade was then thrown back by what appeared to be a magnetic force. When he turned around, Shade came face to face with the woman-man as she-he was helping his friend to stand up.

Shade: A magnetic quirk huh?

???: Spinner, we can't beat him. We have to go.

Spinner: I know Magne. Ah, damn it. I'll kill you Shade sooner or later, for insulting the greatest villain in history.


I was writing this part while I was in the video lesson and at one point I hear a friend of mine insulting the teacher and nothing, he had the mic on.


The two then entered the forest.

Shade: Are you okay Pussycats?

Tiger: Yes, we are fine but we have to make sure that the other students are fine too.

Shade: I'll do my best.

Shade then ran into the forest to see what was happening. Hearing the din, he ran towards the noise and came face to face with a giant shadow monster chasing a student with multiple arms. Shade then attempted to help the boy by teleporting farther but the monster continued to follow him.

???: It's useless, we can't stop it. Dark Shadow has gone out of her mind.

Shade: Do you have any ideas then?

???: The only thing that can stop Tokoyami right now is the light.

Shade: Light like the sun or just basic lighting like a bonfire?

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