Too Late (Edited)

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Warning contains rape. If this matter is a trigger for you in any way please leave now.

Louis' POV

Never have I been so disgusted and furious in my life. I struggle against the cuffs that bind me to the nightstand, hoping I can maybe tip the nightstand over and try to make an escape. I glare with pure hatred at our captures, I try to ignore the tears streaming down Harry's face and the fear in Liam's eyes. All of us knowing what is about to happen.

"Why are you doing this? Why Liam?!" I shout at them hoping to stall them for as long as I possibly can.

"You mean none of you know? They never told you?" Dr. Lance asks raising his eyebrow in surprise as a wicked grin spreads across his cheeks and all I want to do is make sure that damn bastard never smiles again.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asks wondering the same as I and Liam.

"This is just too good to be true! You see boys your precious Uncle Si has not told you the entire truth, Paul even knows and Zayn as well, yet none of them bothered to tell any of you, how precious. You see when Liam here had his kidney removed the doctors found something quite rare, something that hasn't been seen in hundreds of years. Your friend Liam here is the first male in centuries to be able to bare children. Something so rare and so precious. Why did you think their sexual attacks were targeted towards him in the first attack? You see these...interesting people want to play house with you, have a nice little family. After all isn't that what you call your fans? Family? Can you really blame them for jumping at the chance when they had read Liam's medical records? It's amazing how much a nurse will do just for a couple thousand dollars. Our friend here with a million dollars in their hands and the opportunity to be involved in a medical marvel, how could I refuse?" the doctor grins at us mockingly, letting us know he has won his sick game.

The door suddenly opens again and in walks a young girl with a gun in her hand.

"You?! I saw you at the AMAS, in the crowd!" Harry yells suddenly pulling against his own restrains.

"Yes, I was there. My sister was arrested after the first attack," she replies walking over to Harry gun in hand.

"If you use that gun on him, I'll take it and shove it up your ass!" I snap not wanting her to touch a single hair on Harry's head.

"Aw, it's Larry Stylison! So cute!" she squeals making me want to wrap my hands around her throat and strangle the life right out of her.

"Liam, Richard here is going to help us in our little experiment, and unfortunately it will be quite uncomfortable for you, but we are willing to try and make it as comfortable as possible for you. We will uncuff your hands from the headboard so when we turn you onto your stomach you won't be quite as uncomfortable. We will also unchain Mr. Tomlinson so he can be with you to comfort you well Richard here has his fun. Mr. Tomlinson I would suggest you don't try to fight back otherwise your curly haired friend will be getting a bullet in the head," Dr. Lance warns me as he undoes my cuffs, setting me free from that god forsaken nightstand.

I stand slowly rubbing my wrists trying to ease the pain from them rubbing against the cool metal of the cuffs. I look over to where Harry noticing crazy bitch holds the gun to his head, the fear in his green eyes so clear to me.

"You don't have to hold the gun to his head, I get your point. I won't try to strangle any of you or bash any of your heads into the wall, no matter how badly I want to," I tell the girl giving her my best smirk.

"Fine, but any wrong move I will shoot him," she warns glaring at me.

"I won't test you," I grumble under my breath hating that right now they have the upper hand, leaving us with no choice, but to obey their sick orders. Through my exchange with crazy, the doctor has undone the bonds holding Liam in place. Tears fall down Liam's cheeks from his fear of what is to come. Richard roughly grabs him by his shoulders and forcefully flips Liam onto his stomach. Liam can no longer hold it in and begins to loudly sob, making my anger flare. 

Together (Sick and Hurt Liam ALTERNATE ENDING MPREG) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now