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Chapter 11


"You know what, I'm so done with life."

I glance at Hale, who is slumped against the lockers. "I hate everything." he grumbles, sliding down until he's squatting. "You know what I want right now?"

"Pizza?" I guess, and he groans again.

"Fuck me. Fuck you. Fuck the world. I want to cry." I reach my hand down to pull him up. He grasps it and gets up.

"Why don't we go for pizza this weekend?" I ask.

"For real? But your mum-"

"My grounding ends this Friday." I smirk, leaning against the lockers. "One month, baby."

"Fuck yeah!" he exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air and crashing into me. "You're coming over, we're chilling in my heated jacuzzi with pizza and beer."

"Right." I say. I will not be drinking. Or removing my clothes. I'll just have to talk my way out of it.

"Hey guys." Gary comes up to us, pausing to bro hug. 

"Hey." I greet.

"Hey." Hale also says, voice unusually high. "Hey Gary."

"So, get this, coach cancelled training today." he says.

"Why?" I ask. I'm just getting my mojo back, and coach is cancelling?

"One of his kids is sick." he sighs. "He needs to go and visit at the hospital after school."

"Oh shit." I say. Hale's brows furrow.

"Crap, that sucks. Will the kid be okay, though?"

"Yeah pretty much. Just a mild case of the flu." Gary nods. "But she's pretty young, so the hospital wanted to keep her over night just incase. He needs to pick her up today."

"Is there practice tomorrow?" I ask, because I have tuition tomorrow and won't have time.

"Nah, I don't think he's keeping it tomorrow. Probably early morning one day." he shrugs, and I nod.

"Cool." Gary and Hale go to their classes, and I'm going to go as well when my phone buzzes.

Inconvenient fire drill

Kile : [You free rn]

Me : [I have something called class]

Kile : [Up for cutting?]

Me : [Are you serious? Is Kile, the valedictorian, the smartest, goodiest two shoes, teacher's pet and irritating wet sock actually asking to skip class?]

Kile : [Bitch I'm not valedictorian yet]

Me : [Yet. Your arrogance never fails to amaze me]

Kile : [Please? I'm at the bleachers. I'm bored af. I'm so ahead they literally can't teach me anything new]

Me : [Fine, but you better take responsibility if I fail]

Kile : [Aren't you already?]

Me : [Couldn't hear you over the sound of my middle finger getting a boner :)]

I pocket my phone and push my books back into the locker. Won't be needing those.

Turning around, I go down the corridor and pass the classrooms, heading to the back door. Walking out, I make my way to the field, scanning the seats for a familiar face.

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