dawg what?

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hellodeer: good morning party people

thatemoboi: shut up

starboi: that's rude reg

thatemoboi: i don't care

thegayprodigy: i would say that you should, but what's he gonna do? try to fight you without his wand?

hellodeer: that was one time harold

thegayprodigy: one time that almost got you and lily killed. you're luck she's smart

theredhead: thank you harry

cissy🖤: well... james what did you want?

hellodeer: i wanted to tell you guys that i am in love with reggie

thebitwin: good for you ig🙄

blamemydad: we've known... you're married for merlin's sake

thegayprodigy: why is your name on here blamemydad???

starboi: because luci has a shitty pull out game

starboi: unlike me

herewolf: sirius you're a bottom.... shut up

theonlypansexual: well this has been an interesting conversation. however since we go to school with harry we should probably figure out what kind of trouble they could get us into.

thegayprodigy: dawg... what?

gaybookworm: harry you get us into all kinds of trouble every. single. year.

thegayprodigy: whatever 🙄

a/n a pretty short chapter because i don't really have any ideas. i might give all the adults back stories. i'm on thanksgiving break rn, but i still don't know how much i'm going to write. bye💛

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