marauders backstory summery bc i dont feel like writing it all out

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Sirius- shit family life, but loves his little brother to death. got on the train met James, Remus, and Pettigrew. hated slytherins, but later became friend with Lucius.(voldy doesn't exist) lily, narcissa, and severus later became apart of his friend group. 3rd year he figured out his feelings for Remus and talked to regulus and narcissa about it. 4th year he confessed his feeling and they started dating. he is gayest person ever not including frankie grande.

Remus- his parents were disappointed because he is a werewolf. got to hogwarts and already had friends from the train.he got sorted into gryffindor, obviously. he became really close with sirius and lily. figured out his feelings for siri in 2nd year, started him in 4th. he is bisexual and proud. helped lily with her feelings for narcissa.

james- he has very supportive parents. wasn't shocked when siri and rem came out. figured out his crush on reg in his 5th year. they started dating in his 7th year. was scared to tell siri about crush on reg because he was scared to lose his best friend. he was shocked when reg asked him out. married 2 years after his graduation. had harry at some point. our unlabeled king.

peter- traitor. rat. dead. heterosexual🤢

lily- besties with sev. in love with cissy. knew she was bi in 2nd year because she's smart and knows things. found out narcissa had a crush on her in 3rd year and confronted her. helped her friends be comfortable in their sexualities. always had an iffy feeling about peter. no kids. she also didn't have a good relationship with her sister due to her being a witch.

severus- didn't have the best home life. met lily they became best friends. was close with lucius and they ended up dating in his 2nd year (tbh it can be whatever year you want it to be for every couple i'm just making shit up. also is lucius older?) was bullied by the marauders until luci, cissy, and lils told them to stop... well threaten. he is really fucking gay.

lucius- he had a goo relationship with his dad, but his mother wasn't really present. he didn't really have that many friends except for sev cissy and reg. he started dating sev at some point (???). they also married and had draco. he could be gayer. (i would make more people pan, but i don't feel like changing luna's username in here.)

cissy- she, along with remus and lily, is the mother hen of the friend group. she is a lesbian. don't mess with her or her family because she will fuck you up. her friend group was small until her and lily started dating. idk i'm running out of ideas.

regulus- looks up to sirius sooo much. he was confused as to way james was staring at him in the great hall everyday in his fourth year. they started dating in his 6th year. he also hated his family except for siri obvi. he was disappointed in himself for being in slytherin, but later made a good group of friends.( cissy, his cousin, lucius, and sev) him and james married and had harry.

a/n- i might change my writing style a bit, but not to much. if you have any suggestions please comment. also fun story that just happened, my dog pissed on my bed. i'm really mad, however have a good day/night💛🖤

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