The department store

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'Okay then, if you get laid tonight, I will wear a Christmas sweater everything single day next month' Katya negotiated with violet

'what makes you so sure that my sexy body is so repulsive? Am I ugly to you Katya' violet countered challenging her?

'No. You're stunning, you're a model for fucks sake. But you're just a bitch. No-one would willing put themselves through the torture of sleeping with you, I know I wouldn't' the blonde said with a cheeky smirk.

*the next day*

Katya had just opened the little cafe where they work in the centre of West Hollywood. The traffic this morning hadn't been too bad, so her Uber ride wasn't that long meaning that Katya wasn't in the worst mood today for a change. The Christmas party is coming soon though and Katya doesn't want to go through the teasing again go going alone so she decided she is going to try and find a date.

She was in the back room checking her social media trying to mentally prepare herself for the day ahead when violet came waltzing in with the biggest grin ever slapped across her flawless skin. Her eyes told Katya everything she needed to know as she had a pretty obviously had a 'I've just been fucked' kind of glow but Katya was happy to play ignorant and not spoil violets fun.

'You'll never have guessed what happened last night bitch' Violet practically chanted overjoyed at the fact she managed to prove Katya wrong for the first time in forever. It was the happiest Katya had seen her friend for weeks ever since Fame broke up with her.

'I'm guessing that I better start buying myself some Christmas sweaters?' Katya said with a small smile. She was a little annoyed she had lost the stupid bet, but she was still happy for her friend. She knew just how much she needed it. And who knows? Maybe violet finally getting laid will mean she will be less of an uptight bitch and be easier to deal with. She can only wish.

'OMG Katya it was amazing! I think. Her name was pearl, she was so fucking hot but we were both pretty stoned by the end of the night so I can't really remember but it definitely happened! I promise. Plus, Katya! I even got her number. OMG I should text her. Is it too soon? it's too soon I don't...' violet rambled on

'It's okay. I believe you. And trust me I don't need or want to see any evidence. And are you really coming to me for relationship advice? I thought you knew me better than this girl'

*A week later (1st December) *

Katya was a lot of things. But she certainly wasn't a cheater. She was definitely sure she was going to go through with this, she 100% didn't want to give violet the satisfaction of dropping out either. She was a woman to stay true to her word.

The blonde beauty woke up this morning at the normal time of 7:30am. She started to get dressed when it dawned upon her that she only owned one Christmas sweater and it was the ugliest thing in the world. Sure, the whole concept of Christmas jumpers is that they're not the most fashionable thing in the world, but Katya's was beyond ugly. It was a gross bottle green colour with poorly made Santa plonked in the middle surrounded by a festive wrongly translated Russian greetings above it. She appreciated the effort and the thought her mother went through to get this last year in an attempt to pay homage to their homeland, so she wasn't totally ungrateful, but she was sure to make a mental note to stop of at the department store on the way back from her shift to pick up some supplies to help conquer her challenge ahead of her. She knew she didn't want to be stuck wearing this every day for the next month.

*That evening*

Katya had just finished her shift and was now about to enter the nearest department store still wearing hideous sweater regretting not thinking of going to the shop a few days before the month started. She still managed to make it look good with her shoulder length blonde curls and bangs, a messy black eye look and blood rep lips. She paired the jumper with some high waisted black jeans and an oversized black and gold belt. After leaving work she swapped her boring black converses for some black heels in an attempt to jazz her outfit up.

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