The date.

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'Are you sure I look okay' Trixie asked katya whilst she was inspecting her appearance in the full length mirror, fixing her white skirt and smoothing down her straight hair.

'You look gorgeous as always tracy. I still don't understand why your going on a date with her. Cant we just stay in an have a movie night? I'll let you watch dolly' katya argued not wanting trixie to go without trixies companny.

'because katy. I don't want to die alone. Plus you never know. She might be nice!'

'sure tullulah. What time is your uber coming?'

'urm probably about 5mins'

'Okay is it okay if I stay here and finish this episode? Pleaseeee' katya asks sweetly doing exaggerated puppy eyes fluttering her eyelashes making it impossible for trixie to say no.

'Okay then fine. Make sure you lock the door behind you though. I don't want to be robbed.'

'mama your leaving the ex drug addict, Russian whore in your house and your worried about being broken in' katya said with a laugh.

'Shut up!' trixie replied also laughing. ' My ubers here! Don't miss me too much' trixie said whilst walking towards the door

'Bye, don't be out late, mind your drink, don't get kidnapped!' katya shouted in her best Maureen voice.

'okay MOM!'.

*Time skip-the date*

This date is not going quite as I hoped. Pearl is sweet and all but she really is quite boring cause she really doesn't get my humour. She seems to be very laid back and that's not what I need. I need a crazy girl who can keep me on my toes. Sure, I wasn't expecting someone like katya who gets me completely. She's always been there for me, when shea broke up with me she was my shoulder to cry on, when I got my first makeup job at mac she was the one who went out to celebrate with me. Last Friday night sitting on the couch eating pizza she was there for me. I love the way i can get her to laugh and the way I can...

'TRIXIE!' pearl shouted trying to grasp trixies attention.

Trixie snapped back to reality and appologised profusely after she realised that was the 3rd time tonight she drifted of day dreaming about katya. Wether it was a red lipstick a girl's wearing across the restraunt that got her thinking about her or if it was the food that made her wonder what katya would of thought about if she was here. It always felt as katya was always on her mind.

When it came to leave trixie grabbed her coat and started walking toward the door. When they got to the door she turned to pearl and lied and said 'this was fun. I hope to see you again?' knowing full well she was never gonna see her again.

Pearl rolled her eyes and walked away also knowing full well she didn't want to see trixie again. Trixie seemed more out of it than pearl is and that was a rare thing for pearl find.

*Back at the apartment*
Trixie stumbled through her door shocked to find it locked, she figured that katya would of forgot like she always does.

She was just as if not more shocked to find katya fast a sleep curled up in a little ball on the sofa looking adorable. Even though she tried to be as quite as she could manage walking across the hall in her heels, katya began to wake up.

'Jesus christ you scared me. i thought karma was coming to get me and i did leave the door open and you were a robber' katya said suddenly when she cast her eyes on trixie. 'Sorry for falling asleep, i'll get out of your way now' she said with a small smile.

'luckily for you i'm not a robber or i would of murdered your ass. And don't be stupid there's no need to apologise. Do you have to go? i want to talk to youuuu' trixie replied.

Trixya!-Oh honeyyy✨🤍 (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now