Chapter 10

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10 Days Until The Wedding

It's been ten days with out Nicky and ten days with Alex.

Every day gets even better and better with Alex. He's sweet and funny. He's everything that Nicky is but he's not Nicky.

"Are you thinking about him?" Sara asked as I sat in the bridal shop.

"Yeah."I admitted as I pulled on my maid of honor dress.

"Which one?" She laughed.

"Nicky." I whined, "I like Alex. He's everything I ever wanted in a future partner."

"But..." She said.

"But he's not Nicky." I sighed, "He's not the one I make pizza with at three in the morning. He's not the one I complain to for hours at a time. He's just not Nicky."

"Sounds like your heart made up your mind." She smiled at me.

"That's so cheesey." I laughed as I took a shot and stood up away from the counter, "Okay! Rehearsal dinner In a few days. I'll have a date there."

"Which one are you bringing?" She smiled.

"Not a clue. But I'll figure it out." I smiled as I pulled on my sweater, "See ya later."

Once I got home I noticed Nickys truck in the driveway. I didn't want to see him. I wasn't ready to see him.

I walked inside and whined as I saw Nicky standing with his back to me.

"Nicky can you please not be here. I don't want-" I began to explain as he turned to face me.

And was holding a baby.

"This is my daughter, Brea." He smiled.

His daughter ? He brought me his daughter ?! To what? Prove a point?

"Hi sweetheart." I smiled as she laughed at me.

"I have a family already." He said, "I have one started already and I don't know if I want more kids."

"Nicky-" I gulped.

"I don't KNOW what I want." He said, "But I know I want you in my life somehow."


So sweet.

Not really. But it was the fact that Nicky made a gesture that really mattered to me.

"So you brought your daughter here to tell me that you don't know what you want with me?" I smiled.

"Uh...yeah." He smiled back.


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