Part 8- The a new light.

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A/N: For some odd reason my wattpad account is acting up, so if you come across anything out of the ordinary For instance this might say Part 6 instead of 8), please notify me and I'll do my best to fix it. :) Hope you enjoy Part 8 of The good, the bad...and the 'awkward'.


Previously on The good, the bad...and the 'awkward'.

"No problem, I'll be by to pick you up in five minutes." He hung up right away.

'Pick me up? Pick ME up.' I never even gave this guy my address.

My creepy stalker would be here in exactly five minutes. Was this smart? Perhaps I should have thought this over. Or maybe I AM a dumb blonde. Either way. My body shouldn't be TOO difficult to locate...I hope.

I had been sitting on the couch in uncomfortable silence for exactly 14 minutes. I came to the realization that this was more than likely a joke being played on me by some hooligan at school. I wish I hadn't of gone along with it.

I was on the verge of getting up and going to my room when I was startled by a car horn blaring on the curb outside our window. On further inspection I realized it was a black honda. The windows were tinted, so I couldn't see the driver...but I had a pretty good guess of who it was.

I pulled on my jacket and walked over to the passenger's side of the car.

The window slowly came down, allowing me full view of the stranger....or Jim, as he said his name was.

"Hello?" I said. "What about it?" He replied. His voice sent shivers up my spine...the creepy kind of shivers.

When I didn't answer this obviously sarcastic question, he continued.

"Are you getting in, or what?"

"Yes, I'm getting in. This project has to be completed by the both of us, does it not?"

I snapped back at him as I opened the car door and sat in the comfortable seat.

The car smelled brand new and it was spotless.

We drove for about 8 minutes in complete silence until he reached over and turned the radio on. Instantly some song started blaring.

It was nice. The lyrics were nice. It was a lovesong. "The cure." He acknowledged my presence by stating the creators of the song.

The next one on the list was recognized by me...which was surprising, considering I don't listen to much music. It was a-ha, Take on me.

A pretty interesting song.

"I'm guessing you're into the 80's scene?" I asked him.

Yeah, I love it. All of it. Sometimes I I was meant for the 80's...Does that sound weird?"

"Not at all." I replied out of politeness.

In no time at all the scenery around me changed. I was unaware of this side of town, thought it was only minutes from my own home.

"Where are we?" I finally asked. No reply. I'd expected as much, though he HAD been talking for awhile back there.

Not two minutes later we pulled up to an old fashioned, Victorian home. The kind with the witch's hat roof top.

The houses around it were also old fashioned, but so beautiful I couldn't help but let out a small sigh of happiness.

Jim glanced at me from the sides of his eyes. A small, insignificant action, but one that didn't go past my radar.

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