※Chapter 1※

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Troyes POV

I woke up to that stupid alarm going off rolling over to see it was 11:22 AM I quickly got up realizing, it was a Tuesday and I was extremely late for school.

I rushed to the bathroom rubbed some pomade through my hair and threw on the black skinny jeans I wore yesterday, a simple navy tee shirt, grabbed my boots and rushed out the door. My tires squealed as I pulled out and I ran multiple stop signs on my way to school. I'm honestly surprised I didn't get pulled over on my way to school.

I ran straight to the office and let them know I was sincerely sorry for being late and it wouldn't happen again. I then proceeded to my locker, grabbed a old sweatshirt and my notebook and went to the library for my free period. I set my book and sweatshirt down in an old worn out chair and walked over to a small coffee shop that was in the library.

A small girl chirped "hellloo! Can I help you?" No I just want to stand here and stare at the menu for my health "Erhm yeah, let me get a medium coffee, shot of espresso annd uhm a pump of vanilla." She typed in my order then went to making my coffee. A few minutes later she walked up to the counter and chirped "that will be $3.82" she said with a smile I grinned slightly and handed her a 5. I grabbed my coffee and walked away not worried about the change. I then went to the chair where I laid my sweatshirt and sat thinking about what used to be, about my old boyfriend.. Adam. It felt like a knife was sticking out of my chest every time I thought of him. After sitting in a daze for a few minutes I jump at the sound of the bell ringing and run off to my last class of the day, art.

Art was the only class I enjoyed, I liked to be alone and my art class has an odd number of students, therefore when we are paired I am able to work alone. Which is how I like it. I walk in to class and proceed to the back of the class where I typically sit, only to see a purple haired boy sitting at what is usually my desk. I then toss my bag into my seat and run back up to the front of the class, and harshly say "what the hell? Why is he in here? It's mid semester!" Mrs. Banks softly yet sternly said back "he has transferred classes. You will be fine, besides it's not good for you to constantly be alone Troye." I let out a deep sigh and returned to my seat.

The boy with the purple hair looked slightly terrified of me, although I can't really blame him. He muttered out a overly perky "hello! I'm Tyler" and had this stupid smile covering his face. "And you are?..." He said way too excited I then said back in a very monotone voice "Troye. with an E" and then looked down into my bag only to realize I had grabbed Tyler's bag who just so happened to have the same bag as me. "Uhm excuse me?" He said sounding confused.
Mother fucker. You have my bag what do you expect!?
"Thought this was mine. Sorry." I snapped back at him. "Ohh--hmigosh! We have the same bag! Great minds think alike, huh?" I then just looked at him and awkwardly looked away.

Mrs. Banks then announced
"Class we will be doing a project, you have 2 weeks to paint whatever you wish, be as creative as you want and make sure to have meaning behind your masterpiece! This will account for 30% of your end of semester grade so work hard! You have two weeks to complete this project."

A small grin comes across my face and then I immediately start thinking of all the possibilities for this project...

"Oh and class you will be paired with your desk partner! You will share a canvas so you have to work together. Good luck" she added.


Tyler looks over at me and asks "SOO you have any ideas on what you would want to do?!" In a slightly high pitched perky voice.

This is going to be a long semester.


Hey guys! So this is my first "book" so go easy on me!

I'm not entirely sure how I want this story to go.. I guess I will figure it out as we go... :) hope you have enjoyed it thus far!

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