※Chapter 2※

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Troye's POV

I went home, done some homework since I missed most all of school today.
Around 5:23 I hear the front door open and my mum yell "Troye! I'm here!" I didn't respond and continued working.

About 15 minutes later I walked down the staircase and into our kitchen poured myself a mug of freshly brewed coffee my mum had just made and joined her at the breakfast bar.
Holding her coffee in her hands to warm them she looked up at me and bluntly said "so how was school?"
I quietly responded "fine. How was work?" She then gave me a piercing glare and raised her voice slightly and said "it was fine. All day it was fine"
I let out a slight cough and she continued to glare at me.
I then muttered out "I'm sorry my alarm didn't go off I don't know what happened.." She put her head in her hands and shook it wile looking down.
"Troye, you've missed so much school with your thing and you can't afford to miss anymore! Even if it's a half day. You can not let this happen again"
I then nodded wile looking down into my coffee.

I then dismissed myself to my room,
About halfway up the stairs I yelled down to my mum "I'm going to catch up on the classes I missed and do some homework so I probably won't be coming back down tonight." She let out a deep sigh and said "okay. don't stay up too late you need to be on time tomorrow."

After I was in my room I checked the time, 5:47.
Okay I need to shower, write a paper, tidy up a little, annndddddd
Work on my art project.
This is going to be hell, why can't I do this alone?
After I finished in the shower I walk over to my desk and start working on a essay after about 45 minutes I hear my mum coming up the stairs, she politely knocks and enters my room, she walked over to my bed and takes a seat, I still haven't acknowledged her being in the room, she speaks almost a whisper "Troye honey" without turning to her I snapped a harsh "What?!" She spoke even quieter this time barely audible "it's 7:15" I then spun my chair around to face her "yeah, so?" She put her head down and I notice her holding a small plastic cup. "you have to take your medications Troye." I immediately snapped at her "I don't want them! they don't do shit for me.." She looked at me extremely disappointed and softly said "please honey, you have to." I then said "fine set them there" gesturing to my bedside table. She looked at me and sternly said "no Troye, we both know if I set these pills down you will not take them" I stared her in the eyes for a few moments waiting on her to say something, after a few moments of staring she sternly says "Troye. Now." I then agree and dry swallow them and stick my tongue out to prove I swallowed them. "Thank you" she said softly not meaning it.

After she left I walked over to my bed, grabbing my laptop and getting on tumblr, only to see an old picture of Adam and I.
Nothing hurt more in this moment.


hello! Sorry this was kinda short.. What do you think so far? The story really isn't together yet but I promise it will all make sense soon! So today was a double update, I probably won't do many double updates because I want this to be of good quality, but I want to update at least every other day... I don't know yet we will see how it goes!

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