※Chapter 5※

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Troye's POV

I woke up at 6:45 to that stupid alarm, I got up went to the bathroom and got ready like normal, ran some pomade through my hair, taking a little longer than normal. I then went to my closet and picked out a short sleeve button up collard shirt, and some newer black skinny jeans. I don't know why I'm dressing up, I just felt like it.

I went downstairs and made myself some coffee my little brother Tyde and my mum was sitting at the breakfast bar, they whispered something but I couldn't quite make it out.

Tyde then said "well you look nice" I nodded and went back upstairs to finish my coffee and check tumblr.
After about 10 minutes of tumblr I grabbed my keys and drove to school,
My morning classes seemed longer than usual, then at free period I went to the library and I noticed something different. Tyler was sitting in the chair next to the one I typically sit at, I begin to walk over to the coffee shop but I hear Tyler call me over to him, so I join him in my usual spot.

He smiled that stupid smile and was even blushing a little "hey babe!" I then looked at him very alertly and sternly said "don't... Call me that." He then gestured for me to sit next to him.
"Hey I got you some coffee I didn't know what you liked so I just got what I get, black coffee with cream?" I nodded politely and said "thanks" after some very awkward silence Tyler started in "so any ideas for the project!?" I shook my head with a smile and said "still no, hey.. What was that on perfection you were talking about?" And before he can answer the bell rings.

We walk to art together, it was weird to walk to class with someone.
I've never been the social type and then the one time I am social it's with one of the most popular guys in school.

Art goes rather quick as soon as the bell rings I leave class and head for my car, with Tyler following close behind me.
The 20 minute ride to my house was filled with awkward silence with an occasional comment on the music,
Once we pulled up Tyler asked if this was my house I sarcastically responded "no I was trying to impress you, I'm not sure who lives here but I figured we could do the project in my car." Tyler let out a loud laugh, it made me smile...

Once we were inside Tyler was in awe of everything, I'm surprised he didn't trip wile looking around my house, I make it to the stairs and yell for Tyler "you coming?" he then said "oh yeah be right there" once we were in my room he was looking around and he turned to me and said "sorry if I seem weird, I'm just not used to a house this big, and by the way.. I really like your room...." I laugh and say "I can tell and thanks, I like it okay" Tyler said "mhmm comfy" I smiled and said "thanks I'm here a lot so I try to keep it cozy" before Tyler can say anything I hear the front door slam and my mum yell for me "Troye I'm home!" Like normal I say nothing. Tyler then cuts in "okay should we start?" I say "yeah, do you mind to grab some paints they are in my top desk drawer" Tyler nods and grabs the paints. I hear my mom coming up the stairs Tyler turns to me right as my mum comes in my room "hey Troyeee, uhm who is this??" She says rudely Tyler answers "hello! I'm Tyler Oakley! I go to school with Troye and we are working on a art project together" my mum then says "oh okay will you stay for dinner?" Tyler blushes and says "I don't want to seem rude" and I but in "just stay Tyler my mom loves to feed people." Quite bluntly
Tyler then laughs and says "ohhkayy!" My mum goes back downstairs we start in on the art project, time flys with Tyler.. Around 5 my mum yelled for us to come and eat and we have pleasant conversation, Tyler talks about when he was younger and asks about my family, Tyde and Tyler make a few jokes, after dinner Tyler offered to help my mum clean but she wouldn't have it so we head back upstairs to continue working and before I know it my mum comes back up stairs, she knocked and said "Troye 7:15." I looked up at her and said very sternly "not tonight mum." She gave me a glare, this time raising her voice and said "Troye Sivan Mellet. Take them now." Tyler cuts in "Urhm.. Is everything okay Troye?" I immediately say "yes. Everything is fine. not tonight mum." My mum then walks over and says "Troye you will take these damn pills! It's the only chance you have!" I snapped "why does it matter if I take them or not!? You are ready to give up on me! You said that yourself! I'm so damn tired of all this bull shit, and you know what, I am not okay mum! I wish Tyde wouldn't have found me.." My mum looks at me tears in her eyes and says barely audible "Troye.. Baby. Please." She then yells "I've done everything I can do but you won't get off your own ass and help yourself! I've done everything I can to help you get better and you won't fucking do it" I yelled back at her "maybe if you actually cared I'd want to!" she leaves the room, I walk over to my bed and sit, tears streaming down my face, sobbing, I hear Tyler waking over to my bed, he places his hand on my shoulder and in a whisper "hey.. you oka-.. God you're not okay. Troye, we just met I don't expect you to open up to me, clearly you don't like opening up to people but if you ever want to, I'm here and I always will be." I sob harder and Tyler holds me like a small child trying to calm me and through the sobs I whisper "Tyl- Tylah." He looked down at me "thank you Tylah I'm so sorry you had to see that" he rubbed my side and said "its okay" then when I flenched he said "what's wrong babe??" I then looked at him and said "oh Erhm... Uhhh... Personal issues..?" Tyler then joined me crying and said "I understand, if you ever want to talk I'm here and I always will be"

Tyler's POV

God, I feel horrible.
I'm not sure what happened but something is seriously wrong with Troye. He's so cute I just want to comfort him.. I'm Not sure what to do If I was needing comfort I'd want someone to hold me.. But I'm not sure about Troye.. I'll just take it slow... The way he looked up at me and apologized broke my heart, he shouldn't be sorry. I don't know why his mum did that.. I ended up holding him like a little kid and when I grabbed his side he yanked away... God no. I hope he hasn't done that to himself. He looked up at me and said "we should get back on the project, again I'm sorry."

Troye's POV

I hate that, that just happened.
Why did my mum do that.. God.
"Tylah I think the pages are done, we can start actually painting." He looked back at me with a generous smile "alright let's get this going"
We continued painting until about 9:30 then I took Tyler home.

Hello! I have a couple questions on what you guys want.. So at the beginning of every story I try to put a picture that goes with the chapter... Do you like that or no? And I have a playlist that I listen to wile I write.. Would you want me to say at the beginning of the chapters what songs go with it?
Please let me know! XOX

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