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It felt like summer when I kissed you in the rain.

Lady Gaga


the ordinary could be a beautiful thing.

kiyoomi's ordinary was a blissful state of existence.

he had never been so comfortable with himself, with others.

his ordinary was the sweet taste of tooru's lips, the sound of toshi's moans.

kiyoomi's ordinary was breakfast made before he woke each and every morning.

kiyoomi's ordinary was interviews.

kiyoomi's ordinary was massages from tooru after a long practice session.

his ordinary was domestic, domestic in that they all felt like home.

his ordinary was the snake they got after moving into their own home.

his ordinary was photoshoots with his fiancé's.

his ordinary was waking up to brown hair tickling his lips every morning, and strong arms wrapped around his waist.

his ordinary was the occasional panic attack, easily soothed by either of his lovers.

kiyoomi's ordinary was the vows they shared, the ones upheld.

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