Books Before Boys

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I mean, well, the title is self explanatory. Right?

Indila POV

"I am so tired," I heaved out after running around the football field, we had to run 2 miles. I looked at Bisola who was hunched over trying to catch her breath.

"Me too, Mr. Banigo take wicked oo," she said still heaving up and down, we decide to sit on the grass.

When we were ready to leave, we got up from the grass and walked back to the hostel. As we walked into our dorm we saw Miriam the head girl ( a/n: yes the head girl's name in my school was that) she was sitting on the bed, talking to Joyce and Kambylee (head girls best friend).

"Your highness to what do we owe your presence," I joked and they all laughed.

"Babe hafa na, I heard about the Terry thing, how are you coping?" Miriam asked.

"It's ok oo, I talked to him two days ago and I ended it there."

Everyone turned to look at me, even Bisola that was behind me.

"Umm....... hello, do I have something in my hair?" I asked.

"You went to talk to him and, what happened next?" Miriam was the one to speak up.

"Nothing happened he just kept on acting as if I was his ex-girlfriend or sum like that," I replied.

They looked at me but ended up dropping the matter . After I left them I took my things and went to take a shower.

I stood there, the water pouring down from my head , to my stomach, then to my legs. I stood in the shower and thought about my life ever since Terry came back into it. He left me depressed, now I left him depressed and myself confused.

Just few weeks ago I was happy, now look at how fast life turned against me. I turned off the water and just stood there staring at the wall, I was staring so hard at the wall that I didn't realize I was crying, I stood there for a while. I then  walked out of the shower and cleaned my body, I then reminded myself that this was my fault, I had told him to leave me alone.

I walked out of the bathroom fully clothed and no one was in the room, I guess they went for their next classes. Well what am I going to do now? I have a free period. This second term timetable is bullshit.

I walked out of the hostel and decided to go for a stroll, I thought maybe it would help me clear my mind. Kept telling myself that books before boys brings bastards, but in my case it was boys before books brings depression, I know it doesn't really rhyme but fuck it after all it's true.

Trying as best as possible to stray away from drama didn't seem to work for me, because apparently it follows me everywhere I go.

Terry's POV

"Guy this girl is fucking my head up, I can't think straight anymore," I told Honor.

"No, you're fucking with your mental health," "what do you mean?" I asked slightly aggravated. "Well for starters she said she don't want the be in a relationship with you not, she doesn't want to be friends with you."

I thought of this then said, "but she has been avoiding me in every way she can, how do you expect me to be friends with her?"

"Then you be mature and talk to her anyway you can, without hurting her of course."

"Ok oo," I answered and waved him good bye.

I walked away from Honor wondering what his last sentence meant, when I suddenly saw her. She seemed like she was deep in thought, when I got close enough to her I cleared my throat, she looked up I guess disappointed at hearing my voice. She tried to walk passed me.

"Excuse me but you are in my way," she said surprisingly looking me dead in the eye.

"I didn't know you had somewhere to be," I replied calmly.

"I don't think it necessary you know everything  about me," she told me sternly.

I mean she's not wrong, I don't have to know everything about her I probably seem like a stalker right now. I thought of it and just realized I have been standing here staring at her for one whole minute without saying anything. But tell me why exactly when I wanted to say something Tamera appeared out of nowhere.

"Hi Terry baby," she said, "what are you doing with her, I thought she was the one who chased you away?" she asked with absolute disgust in her tone.

"I was just asking her why she was in the corridor instead of her class."

"And why is that, why isn't she in her class?" she asked.

"It's none of your damned business, aproko!" looks like our good sis got tired of just listening.

We both turned to her, me out of surprise because she actually talked, and Tamera out of anger. Tamera looked like she was going to slap her, and Indila looked unbothered as fuck. I looked between the two girls, each one of them channeling different energies. One looked like she was about to burst open while the other looked like she wasn't even on earth anymore.

" You ugly ass whore you can't even find a boyfriend of your own you came to steal mine so you can break his heart again," Tamera said.

Ok, now she had gone too far. I decided to leave with Tamera so there won't be much commotion. But as soon as we moved an inch Indila said something.

"And what about it if I am ugly?" she snapped back.

"Even if I was a whore I wouldn't date your boyfriend, and imagine who is calling who a whore, haven't you almost gotten pregnant 7 times already or are you waiting to get STD'S?" she asked tapping her left foot on the floor. And she better not think she was sleek with that I wouldn't date your boyfriend thing.

After she said this she didn't even wait for Tamera's reaction she just walked passed us and went about her merry way. I swear I saw a tear drop from Tamera's eye, I almost felt bad for her.

"Why didn't you say anything to defend me?" she asked very angrily.

"What did you want me to say?" I asked her, "was I in the argument, and before no be you start am?" I asked her again, she just stood there and looked at me.

I walked away from her annoying ass before I got in trouble for not doing my job, it's not like I haven't been getting in trouble anyway.

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