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===The Next Day===

Herobrine's eyes fluttered open.

He still felt weak; everything in him was aching terribly.

Although he doesn't have the will, he slowly sat up, letting out a hoarse groan.

He went out of his room, and as he opened the door, he saw General Ernesto.

"Good morning Sir.", the General greeted.
"Good morning too General.", Herobrine weakly replied.

He looked around, and saw General Zombrine, walking straight to his office.

He follwed the Zombie General.

===Herobrine's Office===

"General Zombrine... I-I just want to... To talk with you...", Herobrine meekly mumbled, as he sat beside the General.

Zombrine raised his brows.

He couldn't remember any occation when Herobrine would sit beside him at his own office; he would always sit in front of him, rather than beside him.

Herobrine felt very nervous. But then he sighed, collecting himself...

"In what matter Sir? The Army?"
"About why... Why I'm acting different this month."

Zombrine could tell that his leader had a very huge problem– he wouldn't talk to him if it was just a little misunderstanding.

Besides, he wanted to know why Herobrine lost his cocky persona.

Herobrine's tears started to leak out, even before he could speak.

"Anything wrong Sir?"
"Everything, General! EVERYTHING IS WRONG!!!"

Zombrine froze.

He never saw Herobrine so mad. At what, he didn't know.

"I'm-I'm wrong! I ki-killed thousands! And everything is my fault!", Herobrine cried.

"What do you mean Sir?"
"My twin brother was alive and he just used me to take over Minecraftia!"

Zombrine got it now:

Herobrine had that point of view where all Peace Raiders were evil, and he hated evil. So he kills them, with their villages to stop their evil deeds.

Not realizing that he, himself, had been doing evil all along.

That's why he was mad... Very mad at himself. He just hated everything in him.

"I... I'm so angry at myself! I hate it! I hate being evil! I-I–"

And Herobrine cut off his sentence, crying desparately.

The door creaked open, and revealed all the other Generals.

"I'm... Scared...", he continued.

All the Generals looked among themselves:

Never have they seen their leader so down... So mad... So guilty... Never even remembered seeing him very scared at something.

"Scared of what?", General Ernesto asked.
"Scared of being alone... And I'm scared that... That Henry will have Minecraftia in his hands... All because of me!", Herobrine feebly sniffled.

Then, he heared an explosion nearby...

Herobrine's anger to himself reverted to the outside:

Whoever who attacked his camp shall pay!

Raiders: An Entity 303 x Herobrine FanficWhere stories live. Discover now