Chapter 2:

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THE DOORBELL RANG at six-thirty that morning, and I went to get it. "Hey Amy," I said as I showed her in. I had to smile as I looked at her since she was dressed in the same pajamas as I was. While shopping last weekend mom and I had seen some of those footed pajamas I'd had when I was really little. We'd easily found a purple set for me that fit well, but Amy had a growth spurt this past month so we'd gotten the largest size hoping that she'd still be short enough for them. I was glad to see she was.

"You look cute," I told her.

"So do you," she said smiling back at me.

"Okay, so we're both dressed, what did you want to do?" I asked her.

"Pigtails!" she responded pushing me towards my room and leading me to a makeup table that I had in there. She pulled at my hair for a couple minutes before tying a pigtail on each side of my head with purple ribbon. Amy was incredibly good at tying pretty bows with them, and I blushed a bit at how childish I looked. When she finished, she exclaimed, "My turn!"

I returned the favor, though my bows weren't as pretty as hers. When I finished, I smiled in amusement, "We look like we're maybe four." I told her with a grin.

"Yep!" She said. "Everyone's going to make fun of us all day probably – but it'll be funny!" she said.

The prospect of everyone making fun of us all day didn't sit well with me... but at least they'd be doing it in a more friendly way I hoped. She seemed to notice my concern because she said, "Oh Tiffany it won't be like that..."

"I know Amy. Besides I'm the one who picked out the pajamas." I told her while forcing myself to smile. "So, what else are we doing?"

She looked at her watch and I realized it was already seven-fifteen. "Well, we don't really have much time for anything else. Did you eat breakfast yet?" She asked me.

"No. You?"

"Not yet, I was running late."

"Why don't we go get some cereal and I'll make some toast," I suggested and we began moving forward with our day. Before I knew it, we were stepping into the hallway of school with lots of giggles following us. We'd both finished off the look by bringing a stuffed animal with us. Amy's mom had taken tons of pictures with us like that and almost made us late.

When I got into social studies, I saw that a lot more kids had dressed up for today than had yesterday. Ashley and Lindsey ran up to the two of us, "You look adorable!" Lindsey said to me.

"Thanks," I told her.

"Where in the world did you find those big enough for you two?" Ashley asked.

"My mom and I were at the mall this weekend and we saw them. It was actually pretty easy for me to find them in my size – I'm only a size seven – but Amy went and grew some this month so we were lucky to find one bigger pair that was tall enough."

"I want some too!" Lindsey said with a smile.

That class actually went really well. There was something about the 'little girl' cuteness look that seemed to draw the eyes of the boys more than normal that day. I wasn't sure what their thoughts were though – was I in danger? Or were they just looking with disbelief? I had a pretty embarrassing, but really funny moment, going to English that day.

At the last second before we entered the classroom Amy rushed to the bathroom leaving me alone to enter the class. As I came in, I noticed that we had a sub that day – Ms. Damien was absent. The sub came up to me and asked, "So who's your big sister?"

I looked at the older lady like she was nuts, and asked, "huh?"

"I think it's really cute that you came with your older sister today on pajama day, who is she?" She asked again.

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