Chapter 28:

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MONDAY MORNING IT was tough to get myself out the door. If Amy hadn't been there, I was sure I would have stayed home sick. The only thing, other than her, that had any pull on me was that we had our Christmas Concert the next night. I needed to be there to rehearse for the choir solo that had earned me that other threat on Friday. Melanie picked us up on time and seemed relieved to see that I had taken the time to do my hair and make myself look nice. "You look nice today," she commented to me.

"Thanks, it's easier now with the haircut on Friday," I told her. She smiled at me in response and we drove to the school. Almost as soon as we walked out of the car Amy and I were both ambushed by our friends over our nails, 'They're so pretty!' Kristina said when she saw them. When I took my seat in science a couple hours later, I was unnerved to find a note that said, 'Tiffany,' across the top of it.

Amy saw it too and tried to offer to read it for me first but I had to look. I opened up the note that had been folded into a note-square. I pulled the corner out and unfolded it slowly. 'Stop stuffing your bra,' was what it said inside.

I laughed. A little at first, and then a lot. I had so much pent-up emotion that I couldn't stop laughing a few minutes later when I had finally passed it to Amy. "What's so funny about this?" She asked me.

"Out of all of the things they could have said... it's just funny for it to be so wrong." I told her when I caught my breath.

She gave me a look like I was crazy, but said, "I guess," she said. "This does seem to be just a normal thing – even I've gotten notes like this," she added the last part to my surprise.


"Beginning of this year, I just tossed them in the trash."

"I would do that with this one, but it needs to go to the office too," I sighed the last part. I refolded the note and put it in the front of my backpack figuring we could take it by there on the way to choir.

That day we got an early look at our report card grade for science class. I was pleased to see that I had an A+ listed on the paper. "Good job Tiffany," Mr. Grainger told me with a smile. I turned and began to walk away from his desk but he said, "Hang in there kiddo, things are going to calm down."

I just smiled at him in response, I didn't believe they were.

Amy and I took the note by the office without comment to the secretaries and walked to choir. In choir we rehearsed until the last ten minutes when Ms. Beecher gave us some time just to sit and talk. Somehow the topic of the last note came up as I was talking to Kristina. "You are growing aren't you!" she said excitedly to me.


"That's awesome Tiffany. Well sort of, don't grow too much or you'll have to get a new uniform for nationals," she suggested.

"I can always force myself in there," I said with a smile. "Besides I think Coach Holt ordered all of our uniforms with a little bit of extra room added for that competition. She told me that a few weeks ago," I added.

"That's smart," she said to me.

The rest of the day continued with me getting another three notes about stuffing my bra, at which point it was just getting kind of old. When I turned in the other three notes before band with Kyle in tow Mrs. Henry looked at them and shook her head. "You know if this was anyone else, I'd be telling you to ignore them," she said honestly.

"I actually laughed at the first one this morning," I told her, "But I'm sure these are probably related to the others."

"Probably," she conceded and took them back to add to her file on me. That had to have been almost a file cabinet full on me alone by now.

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