Chapter 14:

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TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY passed by really quickly. I had tried to make plans to stay the night at Amy's house on Thursday, but Mom had reminded me that I had doctor's appointments. If we got home early enough, I was still going to try and go over to her house, I wasn't holding my breath though. Immediately after school Mom came and picked me up and took me to my first appointment which was with Doctor Wilmer.

"How are you doing?" he asked me as I came in.

"I'm doing good," I told him nervously. I didn't know why I was nervous, but I was. Eventually after some small talk and asking about any side effects I might be having he had me pull my shirt off so he could see how the growth was developing. After making sure there wasn't anything unusual, he said, "I'm not a gynecologist, but everything seems to be growing in normally for you as if you were born a girl. You'll probably be able to fit into a real bra here in another month or two," he told me as I pulled my sweatshirt back down over my chest.

He then had me pull my pants off and looked at the remainders of Brandon that I wished more than anything was gone. It was really embarrassing. When he was done, and I was completely dressed again, he made plans with my mom for us to come back again in another month. Probably when I was off from school, he suggested. The last thing he did was draw few vials of blood out of my arm.

Then we were off to see Doctor Reynolds downstairs. Our appointment with Doctor Wilmer had taken a little longer than we'd anticipated so we were just walking in right at our appointment time. Doctor Reynolds talked with my mom for a bit and then I went in and talked to her about stuff. The concerns I had about my dad got brought up by me.

"Tiffany, I think everything'll work out there. Just know this is really hard on him too." She told me. I nodded. "Don't worry about it, it'll work itself out." She told me with a smile. My mom had come in again for a bit and we talked about things together with her for a bit.

"I think everything is going well right now, just keep doing what you're doing Tiffany," she told me. After I had gone into the lobby my mom had hung back for a moment and the two of them had shared something between them before Mom came back down the hallway and we went home. By the time we got home it was already six-thirty and mom didn't want me going over to Amy's. I pouted, but there was nothing I could do to budge her.

Friday after school I went over to Amy's and did stay the night then. In a role reversal, I was the one that had to go back home early on Saturday morning. My parents hadn't bothered telling me until late Thursday night that they were planning on getting some family pictures done on Saturday. When I got home that morning Mom had helped me pick out three other outfits besides my dresses that she wanted me to have my pictures taken in.

I'd gone ahead and put on the green holiday dress before she did my hair and makeup. She hadn't done much, but what she had done looked really pretty. At the end of her working on my hair she added a green bow to the side of my head that matched my dress.

"Ready yet ladies?" My dad asked as he came into the kitchen as she was finishing up.

"Let me run to the bathroom real quick, and then I'll be ready," I told him. By the time I returned out to the living room he had my other two dresses, my duffle bag, and my saxophone case in his hands. I'd been to the photo studio we were going to once before with Amy and her mom, but it had been long enough ago that I didn't really remember where we were going. After a long time in the car, we pulled up to the building I vaguely remembered.

Once again dad was relegated to the task for carrying my stuff as we walked in. The lady at the front looked at us as we came in and asked, "Are you the Jacobson's?"

"Yes," my mom answered.

"I'll go let him know that you're here." She told us, before adding, "You can take your other outfits into the dressing room this way." She pointed to a set of changing rooms I remembered from last time. It wasn't long after I hung up my dresses that Dad was carrying that the photographer came out to meet us.

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