Chapter 34:

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A HALF-HOUR after my parents and I got home, Amy's parents pulled up and I scrambled to get my stuff out to their car. When I had hauled my last bag to their car, I made one last trip back in the house to grab Allie. Amy and I played with our two dolls all the way up to the condo, and placed them down on our beds to 'sleep' while we got ready to go skiing. I began really healing over the next few days. Being able to hang out with Amy and her parents away from my hometown, up in the mountains, seemed to allay my fears.

By Friday when my parents came up to join us, my mom noted that the bruises were almost gone from my face. What was left was unnoticeable unless you were looking really closely. The cuts had almost completely faded as well, so much so that I didn't feel like I needed to cover my face completely up with makeup Saturday. My parents had slept on the sofa-sleeper downstairs that night. They both seemed to enjoy themselves during the day when we all went skiing. I had been skiing for five days straight at that point, so I was feeling really sure of myself on my skis.

Amy and I had ridden all of the black diamonds by the end of the week, including one that both of us had slid down the rest of the way on our butts when we realized how many cliffs were along the route. We didn't tell our parents about that run...

Before I knew it, I was riding in my parents' car, with Amy sitting next to me, heading home. "Do you two want to go to the mall tomorrow?" Mom asked us as we got close to home.

"Sure," Amy said. She was always up for shopping.

"Are we going to use that...?" I began before stopping, a bit red in the face. Daddy was in the car; it just didn't seem right to talk about that with him there.

Mom did the amazing mom-mind-reading thing though and said, "Yes, I thought we would go do that."

I smiled. The other thing that had become really apparent over the last two weeks was how much I'd grown. I thought mom was exaggerating, but when she came up on Friday, she swore I'd grown an inch or two. I'd felt sore from skiing, but I think it must have been growing pains too. My chest had also grown out more, enough so that when Amy and I were in her room she had me try on one of her bras and discovered I could almost fill her A cup bra! For whatever reason my chest had really begun filling out.

Monday, at the mall, I was almost skipping as we walked up to the Victoria's Secret store. Once in there though, I couldn't stop blushing... so many of their bras were... umm... too sexy for me? Mom got the attention of a sales lady and asked, "Can I get my daughter fitted?"

"Sure!" the girl who was about nineteen smiled at me. As we walked into a changing area, she asked me, "Is this your first real bra sweetie?"

I nodded.

"Your mom is so awesome to bring you here for that," she told me. "We'll do a better job than most places." After she made several measurements, she told me, "Okay, it looks like you're a 30A."

I smiled at that.

"You're actually not far from being a 30B actually though," she said to my astonishment. "But at your band size it doesn't take much to move you up into the next cup size. You'll probably be ready for the next one in a couple months I'd guess," she told me.

"Cool," I told her smiling wider. I would be bigger than Amy? I just hoped I wouldn't get too big.

"Well let's go find you some to try on," she told me and followed my mom, Amy, and I around the store until I had several bras to try on. The girl took some time to help make sure that they fit right, and I ended up with two bras from there that I paid for with the gift certificate.

"Okay, there you go," she said as she handed me the pink bag that actually just held one of them in it. I had asked if I could wear one out of the store, and she told me yes. One wasn't overly lacy... it was a pushup bra, which made my breasts look a bit larger. I actually seemed to have some cleavage with it on. The other was a full coverage bra that did have some lace on it. That one was red, while the first one was white.

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